New World

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I looked at the time after helping Tyler get up onto his feet, "Wait what?" It has only been a bit over an hour, it hasn't even been a day, it's still September 12, 2021, 8:26 am. Tyler tapped my shoulder and I faced him, "Time runs differently on both worlds. One hour here is probably a day over there." he said rubbing his back since he was knocked out from being slammed into the wall.

Charlotte came downstairs and said, "Honey! Foods ready, we're having tacos." I wanted to run towards her and hug her but it would worry her, Ella came down and saw Tyler was hurt, "Hey what happened to you?" she said as she took a look at him.

Tyler looked at me and I shook my head signaling him not to tell them yet, he looked at Ella and said, "I tried a new move and it backfired sending me to the wall. Don't worry it's only sore." Ella took a long stare at him seeing if he was telling the truth. Technically he was trying a new move, he opened a portal and because of what was inside he was pushed back. It was the truth just a lot was left out.

After a long stare Ella said, "Okay, I'll get you some ice."

Tyler stopped her and said, "Nah, remember I can add more energy to my healing to make it faster."

"Yea but don't forget it fatigues you a lot and you get very tired." Ella said dragging him upstairs. We gave our safe house to Mr.Judo after he retired 3 years ago. He wanted a nice place away from the city and nice and quiet. So we let him live here since it's the best option and he could take care of it while we're gone.

I have to tell everyone the news about Janice.

*Five minutes later

"Okay, so when you saw Janice she was in a war?" Mr.Judo said after I explained everything we just went through.

"So you did lie about having a new move backfire," Ella said flicking Tyler on the side of the head. Tyler shook his head and said, "No I did do a new move which was a portal, because of that I was knocked out by someone... well this was already explained anyway."

Ella looked confused, "When did you explain this?"

Tyler looked up at you who was reading this and said, "Oh, I didn't the author did. You just have to look at the beginning of the chapter and you'll see the explanation."

Great he's doing that fourth wall crap again.

"Tyler, the day my life is a book, is the day I'm the one that writes it. Anyway, that's why Tyler was hurt. But we're gonna go to Janice's dimension and bring her back."

Everyone nodded their heads and we started gathering our things because it's another world she could be anywhere. "Okay, but were coming with you," Charlotte said holding Ella's arm.

I nodded my head, "I can't bring you here, you can get hurt."

"Yea but we've helped you before so why-" Tyler stepped in front of Charlotte and Ella and said, "This is not like other times before, not with stopping bad people with abilities, not with stopping Damien. We're going to another world where it's in the middle of a war, and it seems like everyone has abilities over there. We can heal, but if something happened to you..."

Ella and Charlotte stayed quiet knowing that Tyler was right, this is something else completely different from the crazy things we did in the past.

*Charlotte's perspective
*That night

Alex and Tyler were heading outside to the backyard with a backpack on each of their backs and Alex with his sword to his side. As everyone walked outside who was Ella, Alex's mentor Mr.Judo and me. Tyler said, "Before we came back here Jo told me how to make portals to specific dimensions."

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