Big Brother

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My name is Michael Vitae and 7 years ago I met Damien, I was with my parents and we were driving home after visiting some family. We were crossing this bridge and saw police and firemen there through the rain. "It looks like there was an accident here." my dad said trying to look past the cars blocking us. I was 12 years old and that was the night when we met with Damien.

"Hey lets take the road that goes under the bridge." My mother sitting next to him on the passengers seat said, "Wait it doesn't even have a fence so you don't fall in the river. "Don't worry I'm a good driver, it's either the river or we wait here for hours until this is over." She stayed quiet and nodded her head agreeing with him."

We drove out of the line of traffic and went on a dirt road that was steep, we got to the bottom and could see the sirens on the bridge. We drove down the road and passed by a boy around my age just walking on the side of the road, my dad stopped the car and my mom got out with her umbrella. I looked out the back of the car and saw her putting her coat around the boy, I could hear her asking about why he was here and what his name was.

He didn't say a word and my mom brought him into the car, we drove him to our home and gave him some of my clothes do he could get out of his wet muddy clothes. When we found him I saw him full of scars and bruises, when we got to his house I saw his wounds close up.

After I saw him do that my parents didn't even seem to notice he was wounded when we brought him in the car, my mom and dad gave him food and decided to let him stay in my room for the night. After my parents went to bed I quickly got up and went up to him eager because I finally found someone who was like me.

I went to the other side of my room where we had him sleeping with an inflatable bed we use for camping, he sat up and looked at me and said, "You saw huh." I nodded in excitement, "Then why are you smiling, aren't you supposed to be scared?"

"What's your name, I'm Michael Vitae." I held out my hand wanting him to shake it.

"Damien Brians," he pushed my hand aside and I decided to show him what I can do. I snuck out my room and went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I went back to the room and the kid got a bit scared, "Don't worry I won't hurt you."

I showed him the knife and cut my arm from just under my wrist all the way up to my elbow. The cut opened up and blood started to drip down my hand, the kid backed away starring at my arm. "Wait, wait... watch." He looked and the blood started to come off the ground and floated in little dropplets around me.

The blood went back into my cut and the wound closed up without a scratch. The kid was amazed smiled coming up to me and looked at my arm, "So you're like me." I smiled and nodded, he held his hand out and showed me this cool trick he did with his hands. This small ball grew in his hand, it was no bigger than a pearl but it was so cool looking. It was this black ball floating above his hand with this purple mist coming off of it, it looked like an inverted star.

He put it on a metal pan and it liquified when he let go of it, he grabbed a plastic cup and dropped it on the liquid and the cup dropped in like it was a endless pit. I starred at it wondering how he did that, "What is that what did you do?" he waved his hand over the black liquid like substance and it evaporated and left nothing except this melted sludge.

He pointed at it and said, "That's the cup I dropped, the power you saw I like to sall Anti-Light." I touched the melted cup and it had already started to harden. I looked at him and said, "Hey I have something that's similar to your power." I held out my hand and I showed him my power which a white ball started growing out of my hand just like his. I lowered it onto the plastic puddle that used to be a cup and the ball turned into this mist wrapping around the plastic.

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