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After patching her up we noticed that she wasn't healing, "Hey doc why isn't she healing?" Tyler asked as the doctor was gathering her equipment. "It's Dr.Curare, and the blade in her shoulder messed up the blood flow in her body, so it will take longer to heal now until that portion fully heals." She closed the metal box holding all his medical equipment and stood up leaving the room when she said, "So she's pretty much human now until her shoulder heals. So don't use your powers that involve physical strength, you can re-open your wound and bleed out." She left the room closing the doors behind her leaving me, Tyler, and Janice in the room with Janice on the sofa laying down with a long band wrapping her from the elbow all the way near to her chest. Tyler and I were sitting on the chairs next to the coffee table not knowing what to say now.

Janice sighed in disappointment attempting to try and get up, I quickly get up and stop her, "Janice take it slow. You heard her, you can barely move from that blade going through your shoulder." She sucked her teeth and started grinding them from the pain and laid back down.

"This sucks," she said placing her right arm on her left shoulder where the wound was. Tyler got up and got a glass of water and handed it to Janice, "Here, you haven't eaten either." he said grabbing a plate of eggs and toast. I sat her up straight and she grabbed both the drink and the plate and thanked Tyler and took a sip of the water.

"Janice, why did you go over there with a 100% chance of oh I don't know... losing?" I asked annoyed and concerned that she made such a dumb decision. She put her food next to her on the couch cushion, "I- I just wanted to get rid of Torgar... he's done so much damage to us and yet he sits comfortably on his throne smiling." she quickly got up struggling and before I could help her get up she gave me a hand signal not to.

She left the room and closed the door behind her leaving an awkward silence, "Do you think she'll be okay?" Tyler asked me. I nodded my head, "She always gets better, she just needs time..."

After a few minutes while Tyler was cleaning up Janice's blood on the floor he realized something and confronted me about it, "Hey Alex?"

I rotated myself on the chair facing him since he was behind me, "Yea Tyler?"

"If Torgar can suck out people's soul, err life force... whatever you call it. Why didn't he take Janice's when she was clearly vulnerable?" he said sitting on the couch. I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know, lets just be glad he didn't."

But he did have a point, why hasn't Torgar ever taken Janice's soul ever been taken yet when it can clearly triple his power, or even sucked the souls of his army? Instead of thinking of that mind riddle, Tyler and I left the room and went into the room with all the families with Janice.

She had her cloak on so no one could see her scars and injuries. I stepped outside knowing that she didn't really want to see me right now, I passed by the guards on the outer gates and flew to the roof of the base.

I sat on the edge of the roof that looked like a field of concrete since it was so huge, in the center of it all was Janice's quarters. It looked like a small block since it was so far away. I looked down into the forest and I could see the oppressors spying on us again. Torgar has been sending them to keep an eye on us, usually we would capture them or kill them, but for me as long as they don't do us harm I couldn't care less what they do.

I still couldn't figure out why didn't Torgar ever take Janice's soul. I was searching through my mind for a reason that could explain why. Is he weak when he sucks someone's soul? No... he had an army surrounding Janice. Is there a limit to his power? Can he not take people's souls who are from other worlds?

I had so many other questions that were just eating away at my brain. I needed to know. I jumped down off the roof and landed smashing the dirt ground with a loud boom. I ran inside and went up to Tyler asking him to come with me.

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