Dumb Decision

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Well you could guess how it went, too many enemies and only a few of us made it out with most of us injured or dead. We were barely able to bring our dead soldiers to bury them.

As everyone was helping out the injured and others were crying for the soldiers who died in the ambush, Janice and I headed up to her quarters and she had a long cut going from her shoulder almost down to her wrist.

She took off her cloak and angrily threw it to the wall, "DAMMIT!" She yelled gripping her cut. She sat down and I quickly grabbed some gauze and disinfectant and other materials that one of the guards outside handed to me. "What do we do now?" I asked trying to break the angry silence. She looked at her arm as I wiped some alcohol on her arm and said, *Sucking on her teeth* "I don't know, we cannot attack again. Not after being beat like this, we might not even be able to for a long time."

She handed me some stitches and I started sewing her cut after wiping the blood off her arm. While sewing I asked, "When do you plan on attacking again?" She looked at me annoyed like I was an idiot and said, "We can't, probably not ever. We barely have enough soldiers to keep this place safe from Torgar."

I stayed silent realizing how badly we were beaten since almost half of our forces are dead and most of us who are alive are mostly injured. The ones who are injured are either being healed by our medical sector on the far right of the base, or waiting in line to be healed aching in pain.

After I finished stitching her up I cut the string and wiped and cleaned off the blood around her arm and wrapped some gauze around her arm to let her heal. She put on her cloak and quietly thanked me where you could tell she was pretty sad since it looks like we now only have barely enough guards to have on defense.

She walked up to George and told him, "Add more guards to each post on the outer walls, make sure nothing gets through."

George looked worried and said, "But most of our guards are injured."

"Then use these guards," she said pointing to all the guards that are in the hall leading to her quarters. George shook his head and said, "Alright but never the less, there still aren't enough guards to cover up the entire outer-"

She quickly interrupted, "Then use those who are least injured." She quickly walked away and went down the elevator and went downstairs not saying another word. As the elevator closed I went up to it and waited for it to come up again to go after her, I turned towards George and said, "Don't worry, I'll calm her down."

As I was waiting George asked me, "Hey, what happened out there?" I turned towards him and I said, "We were ambushed, the compass must've been rigged while we were sleeping by one of the oppressors."

He started thinking and shared with me his thoughts, "Why couldn't they just attack you in your sleep?" I thought of it and he was right, why didn't they?

The elevator door opened up and I stepped inside and faced him, "I don't know." I said as the elevator doors closed.

As I went down I saw one of our injured putting on their armor as I stepped out the elevator. I walked up to him and stopped him from going any further, "Hey what are you doing?" I asked him, he had a cast on his arm and cuts and bruises on his face, he replied trying to hide his pain, "Captain's orders, I have to get-" he stopped from the pain from his arm as he gripped it trying to get past it. "No no no, I'll talk to her, you" I took off his armor and faced him towards the medical sector which is pretty much a hospital, "You gotta get back and get better, we need you guys at full strength."

He nodded his head in relief and limped back, "Thank you sir." he said to me as some healers helped him get back inside.

As I looked for Janice I noticed she left a trail of soldiers attempting to get back to there posts and me stopping them and taking them back to get better. What is she thinking?

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