5 years ago

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*Janice's Perspective 5 years ago

I remember pushing Alex back onto the ledge with Daemontrias still holding onto my leg pulling me down closer and closer to the lava beneath us. I looked way above at the ceiling and I saw this person but they were too far to make out. They lifted their hand and as I felt the heat get more intense Alex and Tyler looked away right when a portal appeared under me and I entered this other world inside the portal. In the distance I saw Alex through another portal in the distance, I tried to get his attention and shot an arrow at him right befire it closed.

As I entered the other portal gravity shifted horizontally and the last thing I heard before passing out was Daemontrias' screaming. I woke up and I was in the middle of tall green grass staring at the blue sky, "Am I dead?" I said as I tried to get up instantly feeling pain in my legs, wings an pretty much everywhere. I laid back down laughing in my attempt in getting up, *Grunt* "Nope, definitely not dead."

I move my body a bit feeling that none of my bones were broken when I distinctly remember they were before I passed out. Weren't my wings broken, how long was I out? 

I slowly got up grunting from still being sore all over, as I got up I saw a detached hand still gripping on my leg. I flinched and shook of the disembodied hand and it fell onto the grass, I guess that's the hand of Daemontrias when I fell through that portal that it must of cut off... wait I fell through a portal!

I quickly stumbled onto my feet and hid my wings looking around, everything seemed normal. I was in the middle of a grass field on a hill where the grass was just over my knees. I looked down and this huge structure that looked like a city in one building with a tower on top in the distance. I started limping towards it.

Around a few miles later I was down the hill and I stopped limping with just my arm still healing, I guess the structure must be huge because after miles it didn't seem to get any bigger. I looked on the top and these little particles started coming out of the top of the structure.

As they got closer it turned out to be people. With wings?! There were hundreds of them flying over me and heading over a hill and as they disappeared over the hill I started to hear explosions. I then heard this rumbling coming from behind me coming from the structure. In the distance I saw an entire army running towards the hill behind me.

There were so many of them that the ground shook, I looked around for a place to hide in. I saw in the distance a group of trees, I can hide in there, I thought to myself. I started running towards the trees, as I looked to my left to the army running towards me, I knew it was gonna be close. If I run any slower or trip, I will definitely be seen. There was a little dive into the ground because I was on top of this little hill, they were already running up it.

I looked ahead and it was still over 200 feet away from me, I can' fly towards it because my wings are to noticeable, all I can do is hope I make it. I could already see a few of the people running up the hill but luckily were on the far end of the army away from me. I jumped into the bushes and discovered the army was bigger than expected.

As I peeked out I literally couldn't see the end of the army, I was on one side but could not see the other. It seemed that the army went on for miles, there were so many different people, all with abilities. Some were flying others speed running passing everyone in a flash and others were jumping incredibly high moving hundreds of feet per jump.

After a few minutes of just feet shaking the ground the army finally passed by me and I poked my head out the bushes watching the army disappearing over the hill. I started backing up towards the structure, just before I turned around to start running to it someone stopped me ad placed the blade of their sword against my neck and their other arm around my neck. I couldn't turn around and look at them to see their face.

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