Empowered Part 2

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I pushed him back with my telekinesis and he landed on his feet. I threw him before so he was ready this time.

The fight had been going on for a few minutes.

I see Jo press some button on his belt and say something I couldn't make out.

Now's my chance!

I create a rock of concrete and throw it at him and used my telekinesis to make it move faster. I see the rock hit the wall but I didn't see Jo in the ruble.

I see him to my side with the girl who starts blasting this purple energy at me out of gauntlets on her hands.

I cover myself with my wings, the blasts were so powerful they pushed me back.

Who are these people? They're strong.

Jo looks at the girl and yelled together, the girl started charging the gauntlets and the purple energy is shot out while Jo shot lightning combining with the purple energy.

I cover myself with my wings again but the electricity shocks me and the purple energy throws me back slamming me to the wall.

The burnt feathers start falling off but regenerate luckily, Jo stares in confusion at my wings.

Jo yells again and they shoot me with the same thing again before it reached me I created a concrete wall with the blast barely cracking the wall.

What do I do- What do I do? Can I jump out and attack them.... No they'll just shock me again. What is that girls power? It pushed me but it didn't really hurt, is it some kind of kinetic crap, this is another dimension. Kinetic energy manipulation probably exists. Where do I go?

I look up and back at my wings and smile, I hear Jo say, "Come on out!" I fly up in the air and Jo and the girl look at me. "Come and get me then." I say sarcastically flying over the wall. The girl shoots more kinetic blasts and I moved to the side and it missed.

Jo was staring at me thinking of something.

What is he thinking of, I'd better be careful.

I see a streak of color go up the wall and next thing I know Jo is on my back. "Wh-what are you doing?!" I say struggling to stay in the air.

"Evening the odds," He says while grabbing my face. I felt my energy drain slightly and I see Jo grunt in pain and fall to the ground. I see the girl create this purple force field under him, he lands on it like a huge pillow. The force field disappears and Jo falls on his butt. He looks at the girl and says, "Thanks a lot." I point and laugh since the situation reminded me of a cartoon. Jo points at me and says, "See what you did."

So that's her name, Kaira

I see this door on the side open up and this boy and girl come through. The girl says, "Hey Jo, what do you- WHOA...." she says as she stares at me flying in the air. "Dawn, Drew. You're here, that's good." Jo says as Drew and Dawn group up with Jo and Kaira. I wave my arms getting Jo's attention, "Hey! this is cheating!" I say pointing to Dawn and Drew.

"Okay, everyone. Blast him!" Jo says.

Everyone raises their arms and prepare to shoot. Jo shoots lightning bolts, Dawn shoots kinetic blasts, Drew shoots fireballs, and Dawn shoots light beams.


All the attacks combine and create a bright light once it hit me. Just before it hit me I quickly drew my sword out and put on my armor just in time so the blast barely affects me. The light from the blast clears up and everyone looks and sees me with my armor on.

"Keep going!" Jo yells.

Everyone keeps attacking but all their attacks just bounce off me. I start flying towards them without a scratch on me, I hold up my arm pointing the palm of my hand at them and push them all away from the other separating them.

Who do I have to talk to that won't try to kill me?!

I look at Jo and he seems to be confused. He looks back at me.I try to read his mind but I get this high pitched ringing sound in my head.

What the, that only happens if someone else had mind reading abilities.

I look back at Jo and he's on his knees holding his head.

He does have that power.

My head still has the ringing sound and I fall to the floor. I try and stand up, I turn around and the Kaira girl punches me across the face using her powers which sends me flying through the air hitting the wall to my right.

"Go for his wings!!" Jo yells still holding his head. I try to get up but this force is constantly pushing me down. I look at Kaira and she's using her powers to keep me down.

Dammit, I need to get up!

Dawn shoots the light beams at me wings where at the same time Drew is freezing me to the wall and floor. "Aggghhh!!" the pain of the cold and the beams keeping me down was torture.

I see Jo come at me at super speed like he did before and he grabs my head and says, "Lights out, birdie!" I feel this surge of electricity going through my body thanks to my metal armor.

"AGGGHHHH!!!" I could barely move from the electricity going through my body.

I won't go down.... Like this

I lift my hand up and make my poisonous gas come out of my hand. I see him breathe it in. I can already see it taking effect. He still hasn't passed out yet, he's fighting it. Everything's getting blurry, the last thing I see is Jo slightly falling over...



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