Like Father Like Son

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*3 weeks before meeting Alex's group

*Michael's P.O.V

Damien had been working for college really hard lately, he's been on his computer all day and night and would be leaving at 10:00 am and come back at 7:00 pm exhausted. I was working on an essay for my last few days in high school.

I heard the door close and Damien walking to the kitchen, I closed my history book and tossed it onto my bed since I was done with the essay. "Hey Damien," I said while opening the fridge looking for a midnight snack.

"Michael- why are you awake at this time?" he said startled that I was actually awake since I usually pass out at around 10 or 11.

"I'd like to ask you the same question, you were supposed to be here hours ago. I stayed up waiting for you, I even called but you didn't pick up." I said while pouring myself some milk for cereal. He was washing his hands but had his back to me so I couldn't see what exactly he was washing.

"Sorry, I stayed in college to finish some work, I also missed my bus and my phone died too." he gave me a smirk like everything was okay, it seemed really weird since he doesn't smile often. "Alright but make sure to bring a charger or something with you so your phone doesn't die."

He nodded his head and dried his hands with a napkin and threw it away. "Alright then, goodnight Michael." He headed to his room which was right next to the kitchen dividing off the living room. My room was through the hallway next to the entrance in the living room on the other side.

He closed the door behind him and I went to our little table in the living room big enough for two people to eat. After I finished my cereal I went to wash my bowl, just before I turned on the water in the sink I noticed something on the sides. Blood, why is there blood in the sink?

I looked at Damien's door and thought Was he washing the blood off his hands...

The next day I woke up hearing Damien eating breakfast getting ready to go to college, I got up and caught him just before he left the apartment, "Hey Damien." he stopped and turned quickly like he was in a hurry. "Oh, morning Michael. I gotta get going cya." He waved his hand as he was exiting the door.

"Wait." I grabbed his arm stopping him from leaving, "Can I come with? It's Friday and I got the day off from school." I asked closing the door so he wouldn't leave yet. He shook his head, "Nah, you'll be really bored over there, it's just sitting in class taking notes for three hours for two classes."

He really doesn't want me to go.

I tried to convince him to take me with him but he kept pushing back, "Please I'll be soo bored here."

"Go visit mom and dad then." He left and closed the door behind him. I peeked through the curtains and watched him get in our car and drive off. "Uuggh, great." I went to the kitchen and decided to wash some dishes and clean the house. After a few hours of wiping, cleaning folding and washing I was vacuuming the light brown carpet which was on the floor around the entire house except for the kitchen and bathroom.

I was finishing up Damien's room when I looked at his computer which was usually off and had a password so I couldn't get in. "It's still on," I said turning off the vacuum, I walked over to the computer and moved the mouse turning on the monitor showing his home screen with all his document and college stuff.

I move the mouse over to the 'Shutdown' button before I pressed 'Shut Down' I noticed a tab was still open. I was tempted to click it but hesitated on what I would find, then I remembered the blood in the sink and opened the tab.

It was just a video game, I didn't... No, I couldn't just forget about ever seeing the blood. I clicked on 'Browser History' expecting to find porn or something. "Huh, no porn.... never mind." I scrolled down and noticed something repeating. I clicked on one of the links and it took me to info about an assistant manager of some company.

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