Revenge Before Love

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*Alex's Perspective

"That is a lot of stuff that happened in such a short amount of time." I said while me Katrina, Tracy, and Tyler were sitting in her quarters sitting down in a coffee table at the other side of the room.

"Yea I know... wait" Janice said as she looked at me, "You said 'short amount of time' what do you mean?" she asked.

I wasn't surprised since time runs differently here, "Oh in our world it's only been 5 years, time runs differently in this world."

She looked puzzled, "Wait... so your only 25? And I'm not 39 years old?" she asked looking surprised. I shook my head side to side, "No your only 24, it's just that time here seems to be four times faster. Sure you've lived 20 years but you still age at the same rate we did since your not from this world. That's why you look so young, because you are."

She looked out into the front of the base where you could clearly see the new cement put in on the front wall from the fight that killed Odyseus. She shrugged her shoulders, "I guess that explains why a baby boy I knew when I first came is now my age, I just didn't know what was going on."

Tyler poured himself another coffee that was on the table in the center of us and asked, "So what about Tarbear?"

Janice smacked him behind the head and responded, "First of all it's Torgar. Second, he's been trying to get his army to get him close enough to our base to suck the life out of everyone here with his big amount of energy he has."

Tracy finished eating her food and asked, "Why can't he just use his powers to get in here, or did it when he was here years ago?"

"Because he doesn't want to waste the power, if he does he won't be able to suck the energy at such a large scale. And back then when he would suck a soul out, Ody told me that it would take a few seconds to manifest. With a large amount of it it would take hours leaving him vulnerable."

"Ohh" Tracy said eating Tyler's food. "Hey!" Tyler said slapping Tracy's hand off his burger. "What did this place used to be any way?" I asked looking all around out the window. "Oh Ody told me that this used to be a enormous factory made for making star steel."

I slightly nodded my head and stood up from the chair, "I'm gonna go to the restroom, uh, where is it?" I asked looking around. "Oh this room was built after Ody moved here so it wasn't made with a bathroom. there's one right under us in the third floor."

I nodded my head and left the room.

After doing my business I went out the restroom where Lieutenant George was waiting outside. "Hey Alex. Can I ask you something?"

I nodded my head, "Sure, go for it." He then quickly asked, "What did you do to return Janice back to her old self?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Well I haven't seen her in twenty years on her part so that's mostly why." I then noticed what he said before, 'Back to her old self' what does that mean?

I then asked, "What do you mean, 'Back to her old self' was she not like this when we weren't here?"

He shook his head, "No, well yes. For the first 19 years when Odyseus was alive she was always cheerful and loving, and amazing in battle. But after Odyseus died she became tough and shut everyone out and became obsessed with taking Torgar down for what he did."

I looked out into the main room, the center where the entrance was had hallways for the second and third floor going across the wall. On the opposite side of the entrance it was the door leading to the huge room with the families and mostly everyone here.

Under was two doors one led to the vault and the other went further underground where it had all the mining equipment moved to continue making the star steel. Or at least that's what the map Janice gave us showed. "I don't believe you. How do you know she's obsessed?"

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