Too Risky

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*Tracy's Perspective

"How are you gonna teach me that?" I said. "I don't know, but it's the best we got." Tyler said.

"Just sit in front of the cube and cross your legs to meditate, it's gonna be hard to teach but it should work since you have a type of elemental power." Tyler said reassuring himself.

I did as he said and crossed my legs and closed my eyes, he told me to clear my mind so that's what I did. I kept telling myself 'clear your mind Tracy, c'mon just clear your mind.' I kept hearing the fighting outside and I couldn't concentrate. "You're not clearing your mind Tracy." Tyler said.

I grunted and said, "I know, it's just too much pressure, everyone's depending on me to get you out." I could hear Tyler sigh and go quiet, after a few moments of just hearing the background fighting he finally said, "Then don't think of it, imagine as if you are literally leaving your body, think of nothing, feel nothing."

"But how do you even know I can go into the Astral Plane?" I said to him doubting myself. I heard Tyler sigh and said, "I know because... *sigh* you have another power connected to the Astral Plane"

I stopped confused at what he meant, I asked what did he mean and he just said to go in the Astral Plane and see for myself. I made up my mind and tried again...

*Tyler's Perspective

I heard her feet as she sat down and heard her take a deep breath in and out. I could hear everyone else fighting not too far away, I heard her go silent where I almost couldn't tell she was there.

The box I was in just had mirrors and past that I couldn't see the outside world, only the Astral Plane I was in, I was only able to see other people in the Astral Plane.

In front of me I could see past the mirror a faint figure, as I kept looking at it I realized what it was. It was Tracy's astral form, I could see the outline of her real body as she slowly started entering the Astral Plane. I wanted to encourage her but I stayed silent not wanting to break her focus.

She was half way out of her body but stopped like something was keeping her held down from fully leaving her body. I look at her Astral Form and I could see her struggling trying to pull herself away from her body. Then her astral form sling shots back into her body as she broke her concentration and I can no longer see her, I can only hear the anger and disappointment in her voice.

*Narrator's Perspective

"UGH, I can't do it, I don't even know if I was doing it." Tracy said in anger hitting the floor as she laid on the ground. "Tracy, I saw your astral form, it was working. Just try again one more time." Tyler said Trying to look and listen for her to go into concentration again.

Tracy got up and stood next to the cube, "I can't do it, after a while, I did feel myself leaving my body. But I couldn't after that, I didn't even know how to fully leave." she went on her knees and put her head on the cube with her forehead pressed against it.

On Tyler's side, he noticed something when Tracy pressed her forehead against the cube, Tyler was able to see her forehead on his side. "Uhh, hey Tracy?" Tyler asked.

"Yea?" She replied. Tyler lifted his hand pointing at her forehead and asked, "Are you leaning on the cube?" She nodded and Tyler was able to see her forehead move up and down as she said, "Yea I am, I'm leaning my head on it. Why?"

Tyler slowly moved his hand towards to where her head was, for those reading who don't know. A person who can go into the Astral Plane can also bring someone else into the Plane by touching their forehead and separating their soul from their body.

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