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"Tracy what?!" Katrina said. We just finished explaining what had happened up to this point including a light beam shooting out their eyes which was kinda cool and creepy. "Yeah, she jumped in between you and Torgar keeping you from dying." I said. "So you should probably be thankful."

Tracy starred at the floor trying to remember as much as she could and try to picture what we told them both. We realized that once Tracy jumped in between Torgar and her sister neither of them really remember anything up to where this point where they just woke up minutes ago. "So what the hell was that before, my 'new power?'" Katrina said bothered.

Janice nodded her head and said, "Yea most likely, but what exactly is it."

Alice had a glass of water in her hand, she took a sip and put it down on her desk, "Her new power came from Tracy and combined with her own, since Tracy also has a power related to the Astral plan," she glanced at Katrina. "Her new power probably has some relation to the Astral Plane as well."

*Tyler's Perspective

Alice looked at me and asked, "Can you go into the astral plane to see what happens." I nodded my head and laid down on one of the beds. As I got out I poked my head out the astral plane so they could see me, "Okay go for it."

Katrina nodded her head as I re-entered the astral plane making everyone look like their in slow motion. As Katrina lifted her hands in front of her appeared this white-faded like liquid sphere, I went up to it and touched it to see what would happen, but the thing was solid and didn't seem to have an opening. I exited the astral plane still in my astral form and explained what I saw.

"What do you think it does if your inside?" Katrina asked still a bit nervous. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Well, here the sphere thing is clear so maybe it's different here."

"I'll try it out." Alex said raising his hand up to his shoulder. Katrina tried to do the same thing and like I said the same sphere appeared except completely clear. Alex stepped up and placed his hand on it and stopped from hitting the sphere. Nothing happened here either. "Welp." Alex said a bit confused. "Wait look at his hand!" Tracy said pointing at it. His hand was slowly but surely, sinking into the sphere.

"Try making a fist." Janice said, Alex did try but his hand didn't move, not until seconds later you could barely tell that his hand was starting to close. "So it slows things down?" Katrina said slowly. "Try it on me." Tyler said having a horizontal thumbs-up pointing to himself, "But only for a quick second."

"Got it." Katrina said adjusting to the situation of her new power.

*Alex's Perspective

Katrina held out her hand getting the hand of her new power. Tyler quickly went into the Astral plane disappearing. She created a sphere big enough that Tyler was probably inside it. Katrina let go having it fade away as a good second passed by.

Tyler woke up back in his body quickly gasping terrified, "How long has it been? I said only a second." 

"I did do it one second." Katrina said. "What happened over there?" I asked.

Tyler stood up catching his breath. "It felt like forever, no joke." His eyes were wide open terrified, he must have been there for a while. "When you did that power thing, I did freeze and couldn't move, but I was conscious of the time passing by, it felt like weeks. I tried moving but before you let go I didn't even move an inch."

"How long did you think it was?" Janice asked curious.

He shrugged his shoulder still traumatized, "I don't know, a month maybe."

Katrina looked surprised of her new powers capability, Tracy stepped in and said, "Wait, then what power do I have?"

"I don't know, since you gave an astral related power to Katrina, she should give you a heat related power to you." she leaned on her desk making her glass of water fall to the floor. "I got it!" Tracy said holding her hand out, but instead of creating a small slope to break the cup fall. It fell shattering to the floor... but with no water in it, we looked a few inches above the floor and the water was in mid air in a small orb still in liquid form.

"Are you doing that?" I asked her. Tracy slowly nodded her head and moved her hands, the water stretched out and did the same movements and strokes she did. She brought the water around her arm and it swirled around maneuvering through her. She then held out her hand where the water then turned back into a sphere. She used her other hand and froze it turning it into a ball of ice, it dropped into her hand as she held it and looked at everyone waiting for a response.

We all stood there amazed from how well she controlled it, then again she does now how to control ice. Alice carefully grabbed the ice from Tracy's hand and examined it, "I guess it makes sense."

"What do you mean?" Katrina asked, Alice turned around and tossed the ice to Katrina who quickly caught it, "Your power is base off heat, so when you combined powers now, not only can Tracy manipulate ice, but can now manipulate and warmer version of it. Water."

The four of us nodded understanding now how their powers basically work now. Tracy smiled liking her new power. "So can we go try this out?" She asked. Katrina and Tracy looked at me and Janice. Me and Janice looked at each other.

I used my telepathy and asked. What do you think?

Do we have enough time to practice?

I'm sure we do besides-

We need all the help we can get. Right?


We both nodded our heads and headed to the training room.

*5 minutes later...

"Okay, who wants to go first?!" Janice yelled to the other side of the room where Tracy and Katrina were.

Tracy looked at Katrina and then back at us and yelled, "I think Katrina should go first since her power is new to her, my new one is pretty similar so I shouldn't need much practice."

I nodded my head and gave the 'okay' for Katrina to come at me, she began to run getting faster and faster, I did the same and soon jumped in the air and began to fly right at her. She jumped in the air also beginning to shoot fire out her hands and feet. As we got closer she used more fire power on her right foot, projecting it forward to me. I dropped down and lodged my sword into the ground to stop my momentum as it swung me to the ground. I quickly landed on my feet and Katrina was still in the air, she turned herself around towards me and lifted her left hand.

So she's gonna try her new power.

I watched where she was gonna aim and she was going for my entire body, she landed on the ground and I saw the spheres only form around my arm, "You need to concentrate on the scale of your power!" I yelled as I used my free arm to push Katrina making her fall on her butt. "I know!" Katrina yelled getting up on her feet.

She stood still and tried again, since it was her first time trying the power I decided to go a bit slower so she can practice her aim. She tried again and managed to get my legs and part of an arm, she came up to me and face her palm to me as it glowed bright orange ready to fire. I smiled, "Not bad, but you still got to practice on it."

After a good hour of practice we decided to call it a day and get some rest...

*Next Day

We went to the canter to eat with the families. Even though mostly everyone was calm and happy, Me, Janice, Katrina, Tracy, Tyler and George were tense after what Torgar said about destroying us. We knew that we could take care of the people, but what worries us is that we don't know anything about Torgar's Pl-

"There coming!!" a guard yelled after bursting through the front doors. Me and the others quickly got up and went outside.

"H-How many are there?" Tyler said as we stared at the horizon with a black outline which was just pure oppressors. "He got more recruits..." I said terrified on how many Oppressors there were.

"GET READY!!! Get every soldier you can out here!!" Janice yelled at a guard next to her. "But Captian. Some of our troops are still in the infirmary."

"Then get those who can fight!" She said turning towards the army quickly approaching, "we need all the fire power we can get..."


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