Welcome Home

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*Alex's Perspective

After a few minutes Janice was still crying. I put her cloak over her face and carried her to the room onto her bed. She still held onto me while still crying starting to slow down. I looked out the window and saw that the Redeemers and some of our people helping clean up the mess after this whole battle.

The atmosphere seemed different it was peaceful, not like when there wasn't any battles going on and everyone was just having a good time and getting ready for the next battle. This feeling was more relieving. It still hasn't sunk in that the war is over. For months we've been fighting and now... it's over.

"Now what?" Janice asked. I turned around and she was in bed with her eyes and cheeks still red and puffy from crying. I looked out to the battle field as those who were injured being dragged back inside. "I don't know." I replied slowly.

Tyler walked in, "I have an idea." Me and Janice both turned around and faced him.

"What's your idea?" Janice asked.

"Let's go home." Tyler said. Me and Janice looked at each other, it's been a while, a good four months since we've been gone from our world. And 5 years since Janice has been gone. "You ready to go back?" I asked Janice. She began to tear up again but quickly wiped them off her eyes. She nodded her head smiling.

*Next morning

Everyone has gathered outside for a big ceremony to saying goodbye to us. Some kids were crying, even some parents. Janice stood on a lifted platform that the people built overnight after hearing that we were leaving. "Everyone! You have all suffered greatly for over 2 decades. Now, after so many harsh and long years the war is finally over." Usually you'd hear people cheering, but everyone was more tears of joy than shouting in happiness. "We've lost 813 men and women to this war. I would like a moment of silence to honor them and their sacrifice." Everyone including me and the group bowed down our heads and were silent as the fresh wind of the morning blew  past us.

She picked her head up and continued to speak, "Your previous Captain gave his life for peace and now, his wishes are fulfilled. Finally..." She went quiet after saying the last word.

"Now me, your current Captain, you all well know I'm not from this world. But I have stayed and helped guide you through this, leaving my home behind... Now, I must return back to my home. And I hope you will all be safe and can now continue your now new lives of peace."

Everyone cheered and were drowning in tears at the same time. She stepped down and took off her cloak wearing a grey battle vest. She hung the cloak around her arm and walked up to George. "Here. You deserve it."

George looked at it astonished, "I can't take this-"

"But you deserve it."  As George took it, a small kid in the crowd shouted, "Look- Look there's machines coming!"

We all looked as if expecting another fight, but it was quite the opposite, there were vehicles driving through the field towards us. As they got here they slowed to a stop and a man wearing a black suit stepped out one of the vehicles and walked up to me and the group. He took off his sunglasses and looked around noticing that it was pretty quiet, "Who here is the leader?" He said with a strong deep voice.

Janice stepped forward, the man quickly saw her and walked towards her, "Now I have one question to ask you, and I want you to answer as honest as possible. Can you do that?" Janice nodded her head with a serious face waiting for what this man who came out of nowhere was gonna say.

As the intensity built up he looked around at the people and at us, he looked back at Janice and said softly, "Is it over?..."

We were all surprised at the question, Janice smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's finally over."

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