Empowered Part 5: Finale

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"They're called barrier reapers," Tyler said looking at the reapers looking for a way out.

"How do you know that?" Jo asked.

"One time, I was trying to find a dimension where I could banish anything too dangerous to exist in our world. I found the perfect one. It was barren, with no living creatures, but had enough resources for something to survive. When I tried to walk through the portal though, something pulled me into the subspace between. The barrier reapers surrounded me. I barely managed to get out, thanks to my powers of course."

"But wait, why do they want to kill us?" Drew asks.

"They're like the guys that guard the dimensional barrier. There are some dimensions which we can go too with no problem. There are exceptions though. Some dimensions should never crossover. So when people like me or Jo break the rules...well, they have to kill anyone that's not where they should be. But they won't hesitate to kill anyone who gets in their way," Tyler says.

Okay...umm...do they have a weakness or something?" I ask.

"They do. It's their eye, right in the middle of their forehead. You guys should also know that they can deform their limbs and stuff into weapons. And whatever you do, don't let them pin you down. If they open their eye, they'll drain the life out of you."

"Well. getting to the portal is the problem. I don't know if I can teleport all of us to it. And even if I did, there's still a gang of barrier reapers to deal with," Jo says.

He looks out the window and you could see some reapers guarding the portal and some at the elevator door.

"Kaira," Jo says as she turns to him.

"can you make a force field if I teleport you down there?"

"Yeah," Kaira says.

"Okay, I'm going to need you to hold them off while I teleport the others. Drew, can you go with her for cover?" I ask.

Tyler nods and then Dawn asks, "What about Doc and I?"

"Dawn, you and I are going to clear a path for Alex and-wait, you can't be killed like that right?" Jo asks Tyler.

"No," Tyler says.

"Okay good. So Drew and Kaira, join Dawn and I when we get there. Alex, stay close to us, and when you get the chance, fly through the portal so I can close it," Jo says.

Doc then comes out of nowhere and sarcastically says, "And how am I too play a part in this grand plan?"

"You are going to get one of those big D.A.R.T.s and fight alongside us...sort of," Jo says.

We all nod our heads agreeing with his plan, then again it our only plan. "Alright then, Kaira, Drew, you ready?" Jo asks

They walk up to Jo and he grabs their shoulders and teleports them to the training room right in front of the elevator door.

I look out the window and Kaira has already made a forcefield. The reapers run up to the force field and have weaponized arms starting to break the force field. One has an arm for a sword made of what looks like bone and is stabbing the forcefield. Jo teleports back and grabs me and Dawn.

We are teleported right outside the forcefield, the reapers were distracted from Kaira and Drew. The reapers are starting to break the forcefield, then Drew starts shooting fire and ice at them to keep them from getting in.

Jo looks at me and says, "Stay close," I nod my head and he nods at Dawn. We run to the portal while I start flying towards it. A bunch of reapers come at us, Dawn shoots beams of light at them at the eyes of some of them. Jo speed runs by to and looks like he elbowed one and punched the other.

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