Rilaya Rant

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First off I know this isn't a chapter I just needed to rant about my favorite little muffins. (And a random end thing)

I love all the fans GMW has but at the same time I hate them. I hate myself everytime I argue with another shipper that isn't Rilaya and things get heated. I hate it because in a way we are just one huge family and our parents are the cast. It hurts then when their fans bicker and fight and argue like it's life or death. I'm a hardcore Rilaya shipper all the way, it even drives my friends nuts its how much I love them. Even though I hardcore ship them doesn't mean it's against the law for me to like Lucaya or Riarkle. It sucks to know its like that because I know Rilaya isn't as excepted or huge as Lucaya, Rucas, and other straight pairings, I know it may not happen (even though it'd be fricking adorable) so it ok for us to wander off to other cute ships. I think that's the end of that part.

So I died this morning. I was looking up Rilaya because I really needed a daily dose of adorable and in google I found something. First of all, now when I look up Rilaya there's the general search tab where it brings you first then it orders the other categories by popularity, news was first. I was kinda confused by this so I looked into it. I clicked on news and my screen was filled with article after article from actual news places that covered the truth of Rilaya. I swear to you my heart pounded so heart it almost broke out my chest, each article talks about how in True Maya she shows her feeling for Riley, and GMW will be the first Disney show to have a lesbian couple. Oh my god my mom came in worried about how I was doing and freaked out when I was hyperventilating, I just said that my dog scared me. It makes me so happy about Rilaya honestly. Ok that google rant is over.

But there's a much bigger rant behind the last. Rilaya evidence. Do you know how many frickin boy meets world parallels there are? Too many to count! I was being a dork the other day watching boy meets world moments. One came up, it was when Cory talked to Topanga about what love is after they broke up because he said I love you. It was freaking Maya and Riley I swear, perfect details. Cory told Topanga that even though he was 14 he knew what love was because he found it in her, because they could talk for hours upon hours and never get bored (a main thing Rilaya does!) also he said he always wants her to laugh so he does his best, (Maya wants Riley to have an endless supply of happy days where she can laugh and be happy because when she's happy Maya's happy.) and then he told her that he always wanted to take care of her, (Maya always wants to help Riley no matter what, she's even said her life wouldn't be complete without her Riley in it.) so yeah that's the one corpanga parallel not many have noticed or brought to anyone else's attention. Also personally I think Maya is a mix of Topanga and Shawn, she's shawn because she gets left and Is a trouble maker, but she's Topanga because she's a strong independent girl who knows the struggles of life. Also when the old gang is saying goodbye to Feeny Topanga says you were more of a father to me than my own one ever was. That's something I think fits perfect with Maya's situation, I even think she told Cory that he was like a father to her. That's all the ones I like the best.

Honestly Rilaya is my biggest ship, I would love to see them become Cory and Topanga. I feel like they are meant to be, yes I also ship Rowbrina! Rowbrina is a different story, rowbrina is kinda funny in a way because Sabby is 3 years older than Rowan making it the Joshaya situation I won't say much on them because I think it's kinda different to ship two actual people not fictional characters. I can't say it's a terrible thing to do though because there was a point in which I was a hardcore Raura shipper.

• listen to 'You're Beautiful' by James Blunt
•read Rowan if you can hear this. (Should be in my top Rilaya.)
• listen to Creep by RadioHead

I'm just writing this part even though its not Rilaya because some of you could use this. Write. I don't mean Write like a two year old with short baby words. I mean find something and pour your Heart out with a pencil and paper or maybe wattpad. "I can't write good." Is what everyone says or, "I'll never be as good as *****" that's a pretty bad excuse. Anyone can write, I believe that all posses the talent, you just need to work at it. Yes some people's books are going to be better than yours, my friend Jason? Everytime he writes, I lose myself in his enchanting lines that pull you in and dance with you till the story is over. His writing is absolutely amazing, he refuses to really share it with anyone and it bothers me. I know a lot of you guys reading this can write, I've seen a couple of your guys pages, you guys are amazing. I know writing may not be some of your guys strong suits but when it all comes down to it writing is amazing. If I've had a bad day with some other jerks that think everything revolves around them I write, if I am sad because of something that happened or just because I listened to a certain song I write. It's an escape, writing for me is a place where I can come and not be judged on my sexuality, age, and gender. It's a place where the only thing that matters is losing yourself in the things you love. So if you read this then I dare you to write a chapter about something you love, it could be a ship (*cough* *cough* Rilaya *cough*) or something else you're passionate about, I dare you to try your best and write like the J.K. rowlings you are! Once you've written the chapter tag me, if you really want to you don't have to publish it, I just want you to write. If you do this and decide you don't really like writing I understand. But give it a shot! Get writing and don't forget to ship Rilaya!

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