Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Unlike his bedroom in the family home, the small pub room had nothing that said "James." A simple space with a bed a dresser and night table. No TV, no telephone, no posters, no room service. Basic. Somewhere to sleep. Not a place to bring anyone.

It began Saturday, around ten in the morning. The world as he'd always perceived it started to change forever when Calley, true to her word, phoned him. "Guess where I'm calling from?" As usual her voice bubbled with enthusiasm.

"The car showroom?" he offered predictably from the bar phone.

"Wrong! I have a surprise. Go to the window of your room and look out." The line disconnected with a thud.

He bounded up the stairs two at a time. The sash window slid up easily and there she was, waving from the public phone box on the opposite corner. A huge older American car sat illegally parked at the curb in front of the box like a chrome-encrusted mobile toy store. She wiggled her hips and made rude animations while pointing at the finned monstrosity.

Several passers-by swiveled their heads to gawk at both outrageous items.

In seconds he'd exited the front door and jaywalked across Church Street. As he closed the gap his eyes defined better detail, which duly registered in his groin. Calley had reverted to the sexpot look but didn't bother covering anything with a raincoat. Full hair, outrageous mini-dress, short at both ends, heels, makeup. All the provocative stops pulled out.

She didn't let his astonished gaping last long. Her hand hooked his arm. "Well, don't you have a hello kiss for me, lover?" She pulled James into the phone box and commenced French kissing while rubbing and squirming against him, as if picking up right where they'd left off on Chelsea Embankment. She pressed a bare leg into his groin, knowing the reaction she'd get, calculated to provoke that cute embarrassed fluster in his face.

He tried to pull away. The Embankment hardly compared. This felt way more public on his own doorstep with people all around he knew by sight. His brain couldn't handle the suddenness of it all. Delight mixed with fear, as it had the first time she flashed him in the car.

"What's the matter, James—don't you like this now?" She maneuvered one of his hands to her chest and gave it a squeeze. "See, my heart's beating fast too."

"Calley stop it. Are you mad?"

Eventually she showed a degree of mercy. They piled into the colossal convertible and she fired the motor. "I persuaded DuPree. I have it right up until Tuesday. It's a bit of an old heap, but it is free. Some rich fart traded it yesterday for the Cadillac you saw in the showroom."

James didn't say so, but he liked the outlandish thing. It mirrored her—over the top in all directions. Impractical eye candy.

"Well say something. Cat got your tongue?" She pressed the selector button for drive and lead-footed away from the curb.

"I wasn't sure you'd ring, let alone come over."

"I said so didn't I? What did you think of Dad? He's amazing when you get to know him."

"It gave me a strange feeling... listening to his voice."

"Why?" She cut someone off hard and got the horn.

"Because he sounds so much like my dad... I mean the way he did sound."

Calley made a quick glance to the side. "You loved your dad very much."

"He was my best friend."

"Oh, Jesus, that's so sweet. You'll have me crying in a minute. I'm sorry about the slutty way I act. I can't help it."

"I told you—I like it. No one in my life has ever acted... well, sexy before. It's all new. Give me time to adjust."

A traffic light turned red. The hand not occupied by the steering wheel reached for his. "You could have fooled me, James. Are you sure you're not faking me out? A sixteen-year-old never acted this mature at any school I ever went to. I thought you'd talk totally wet like the rest of them, running off dirty at the mouth and coming on like a bad movie. Instead you take all my bullshit in stride."

"I am wet. And, no, I'm not faking. I wouldn't know how. You're the teacher, Calley."

"Yeah? Well if I'm the teacher do you wanna take the advanced course?"

His toes curled inside the trainers.

She swung the chrome boat onto Thames Street and picked up Laleham Road. This wasn't random direction; Calley seemed to know where she headed on the unfamiliar streets. Everyone stared each time the open car stopped for a light. James felt strange, being the center of attention for the first time, despite it only being by association. He could sort of see it—why she liked putting herself on display. The world had too much ordinary for Calley to fit in.

"I saw a bit of that film on telly last night—the one you like," he said, suddenly remembering.

"Flashdance? What did you think?"

"The girls are too skinny. Why didn't they use someone like you?"

"Christ, James, I can't dance at that level. The only dancing job I'd get is at a strip joint."

"They took some of their clothes off," he countered.

"Not the same thing. I'll try to show you the difference."

It felt like he couldn't miss. Each time he said something he got a lurid invitation in return.

At Squire's Bridge Road she made a hard left. Then he saw the massive sign: SHEPPERTON STUDIOS and the huge complex of buildings as the old car wallowed over the bridge on its soft suspension.

"Are we going in here?"



"To see an old friend of Mom's."

"Someone in the films?"

"Not how you mean. He's a casting director—gave Mom her start years ago in LA. He casts movies now. I didn't dress like this just for you, James. Sorry."

Calley crossed Hitchcock Close and pulled up at a gatehouse.

"I'm the teacher, remember, so pay attention, James. This is how it's done."

What is the attraction between Calley and James? Can chemistry exist between an innocent schoolboy and a beauty queen? Will James become overwhelmed by this experienced girl—a girl he could never hope to have?

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