Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

Tony Scott found it hard to contain himself at the open villa doors. He'd long since given up trying to organize some sort of orderly parking. Now cars parked wherever they could as the attractive young girls kept on parading in. Some sported boyfriends while others came together in pairs. James had never been mouth-kissed and passionately embraced so many times in his entire life—easily every birthday boy's wettest fantasy multiplied by ten.

Calley and Sonia nodded silently to each other in mute satisfaction. Their master plan had worked.

Only a few of the girls were actually known to them. The rest—the majority—were carefully networked from all over the Monterey peninsula. Word had gone out: this was the local bash of the year and not to be missed. Looks were the main criteria and spicy birthday games the main agenda. Shy needn't apply.

Scott glared at the sisters and shook his head as two more lovelies handed over their invitations and strutted past him into the house wearing provocative outfits—exotic dancers from a local club. Calley surreptitiously gave him the finger in return. The night belonged to James. Tony could take his disapproving face and kiss her ass.

Outside on the terrace the four-piece varsity rock group were warming up with a vocal trio; comprising a black chick and two Hispanic babes in mini glitter outfits that scattered light as they gyrated to the din. Noise abatement was never a concern cloaked this deep inside the Del Monte forest.

Eventually a temporary lull at the front door afforded Scott the opportunity to elbow his way over to the sisters. "Okay, you two, what the hell's going on? This isn't the guest list you worked out with Bob and Colleen."

Calley thrust a fluted Champagne glass at him. "Oh chill out before your face cracks. Look at James. He's having the time of his life."

The two latest arrivals were all over James with their hands, undoing more buttons on his loud shirt. The night had barely begun, but already the Monet was having its effect on the boy.

Scott uncurled one finger from the glass stem and pointed menacingly. "I'll turn a blind eye to the booze and pot, but if this turns into an orgy or I see even a hint of hard drugs I'll shut it down faster than I drive. Bob didn't leave me in charge so you can run riot, ladies, so keep some sort of lid on it. Christ, I bet you don't even know half this bunch."

Sonia wore low-slung hipster pants with a lamé-shot blouse loosely tied off under her small boobs. She began imitating the girls who were all over James, rubbing herself against Tony. "Less than half, actually. What's the point of a party if you can't meet new and interesting people? Dad only throws boring parties. Enjoy yourself and relax."

Scott found the contact delightful and struggled to maintain his authoritarian air.

Calley pointed at the doorway where a lone new arrival stood fanning herself with the invitation card. "Hey, Mr. Chaperone, I think you have another guest to attend to."

He turned as Leona spotted him at the same instant and waved frantically. Scott groaned. "Now how the hell did you manage that trick?"

The girls looked at each other and giggled. "We sent the invite care of the track. Smart or what? We knew you'd be delighted."


Joby Benson had a brand new Hispanic boyfriend—older than Carlo and much better looking. In fact Lino seemed almost too good looking, with powerful dark features and a strong build from constant weight training. Each time they'd been intimate he'd performed to perfection displaying all the ability of an expert gigolo. Able to delay and ride the crest of her orgasms; reading the girl's excitement with uncanny accuracy. Lino came right out of the blue and set his sights on the girl from the start, as if he knew she still felt vulnerable on the rebound from Carlo. Of course Joby melted, but anyone could see the mismatch. Although far from unattractive, Joby could never be in Lino's sophisticated league by any stretch.

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