Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Robert drove the Bentley directly to its slot in the garage and closed the door behind it. His insides cramped with grim determination. Despite the disturbing nature of today's events he wouldn't let them show in his face or mannerisms. Distasteful matters of retribution would never be allowed to spoil a new beginning. A clean beginning for himself and his newly united family.

He felt upset, but not so upset the absence of his silver Aston Martin did not go unnoticed. Immediately he went looking for Colleen and Tony Scott.

As Colleen toweled off after a swim, she looked up in surprise when Robert sauntered onto the terrace. He'd taken the rear pathway from the garage beside the tennis court. "You're early. I thought you said between six and seven?" she said while rubbing her hair.

Calley watched intently as he leaned over and gave her mother a warm kiss, just like a doting husband coming home from work to his wife and family. It seemed so bizarre after all the bad feeling. Robert had never acted quite so warm and fuzzy even when they were married.

"We need to talk some more." He took off the suit jacket and undid his necktie. Colleen made room for him on the chaise. "I've been thinking, Coll. Maybe I've been a fool all along."

Calley made a huffing noise in the background, but it didn't deter anything. Colleen had his undivided attention.

"I want to take a small vacation—all of us including James—get away from here. Only for a couple of weeks."

Mother and daughter couldn't believe their ears. The last time Robert had taken anything close to a genuine holiday had been their honeymoon trip to Hawaii, twenty years ago. Everything else involved business with a little pleasure on the side. This proposal seemed totally out of character.

Robert pressed on despite the incredulous expression on her face. "I know this is sudden and, well, maybe a bit premature, but we need a break from all the things that remind us of what went wrong in our lives. If we go now we'll be back in time for the Concours and the Historics. I promise no car business for two weeks. Please say yes."

Before she could answer Tony Scott appeared through the French doors, wiping his hands on a rag. "Oh hi, Bob. The Jag is ready whenever you need it. Aren't you a bit early?"

He looked up, a little irritated at being interrupted, but hid it well. "Oh yes, thanks, Tony. I see the Aston's gone."

Scott glanced nervously at his watch. "Er, I'd expected Sonia and James back before now. Was it okay to let them have the car?" Robert's early return home meant his unauthorized largesse with the boss's Aston Martin couldn't be hidden as he'd hoped. The fact that the teenage pair were more than an hour late after giving their word didn't sit well.

Robert looked over at Colleen who'd hardly said a word thus far, then back at Tony. "I'd prefer you drive them for the time being; it's the main reason I hired you. It'll make Colleen and I feel better knowing you're around if they need anything. Did they say where they were going?"

"I think Calley knows where they went." He nodded at the bikini-clad girl who remained stretched out, pretending to read behind dark glasses.

"They went to see Joby," she answered tersely, without looking up from the magazine.

Robert understood the implication immediately. When it came to his two-faced treachery Colleen might be oblivious, but Calley was another matter. News of Carlo's battering would have reached her ears via Joby Benson. "Will you call her for me, honey? Find out if they've left. Supper will be early tonight."

Calley remained expressionless as she got up and went inside followed by Tony.

Colleen finally said something. "Where are you thinking of taking this vacation? That's if you're serious. Frankly I don't believe a word of it."

The tie came off altogether and he partly unbuttoned the front of his shirt. "One of my best customers owns a 140 foot ocean-going yacht; currently at anchor in Boca Raton, Florida. We have it, crew included, for two weeks if we want. No one in their right mind would turn it down." He traced an imaginary scene in air with the palm of a hand. "Just think... small islands... not a car in sight. Warm seawater to swim in. No fog or smog. No telephones. Only the five of us on that huge luxurious boat. He put his arm around her. "Now am I making you believe?"


Calley had not bothered to cover up her bikini. Although cut somewhat fuller than the most outrageous one she owned, it still left little to the imagination. Tony watched with keen interest as she bent over Robert's desk and retrieved Joby's phone number. Out of the corner of her eye she studied him studying her as she dialed. "Is Joby Benson there please? Yes, it's Calley Nameth." Her expression changed as she listened. "What do you mean, she won't talk to me? Are you her mom? My sister and cousin were just over there." More listening, then she said exasperated "That's nonsense... I know her boyfriend was hurt. I wanted to go with them, but I'm under restrictions. I can't help it." The conversation ended with a bang as she slammed down the receiver. "Jeeeesus!"

"Problems?" Tony asked from the doorway.

"Now they're blaming me for what happened to Carlo." She shook her head in frustration. "When is this shit going to end?"

"Where's Sonia and James? They made me a promise," Tony pressed.

She shook her head again. "They left there two hours ago. Sonia sounded very upset."

Sonia wasn't the only one upset. Calley had colored up with anger.

Tony inhaled with a sigh. "Well I have to tell your father something, Calley."

Her eyes came up slowly. "Frankly, Tony, you can tell my father to go straight to hell."

Is Robert's vacation plan just a cover for what he knows will happen next? Is his hubris clouding common sense? Now Calley knows the truth will she blow it all to Colleen and destroy the reconciliation that has arisen between her parents?

And has the vision in James's head begun to play for real?

Be sure to read the next chapter as tension ramps up to the next level.

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