Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Sonia drove Robert's Aston Martin much the same as Calley drove her Corvette. At least in the closed DB4 they could talk above engine noise and wind. She took 17-Mile Drive past Spanish Bay and picked up Highway 68 beyond the Pacific Grove Gate. James had an idea where they were headed from a local map he'd studied.

As they entered the small town, Sonia tried to put his mind at ease. "I have a girlfriend in Pacific Grove. We went to Junior High together," Sonia said, turning down the radio. "I phoned her and asked if she wanted to tag along. Sorry, James, you'll have to ride in the back for a few minutes after we pick her up."

"No problem. What's her name?" The prospect of meeting one of Sonia's girlfriends more than outweighed any brief discomfort from the cramped confines of the rear seat.

"Jobyna—like Joanna only it's more Hispanic. Her mother is from the Caribbean Islands. Her last name's Benson."

James committed the name to memory and felt a little more at ease. Despite knowing precisely nothing about Jobyna Benson, he doubted Sonia wouldn't bring up the issues of Calley's sex and drug problems in front of her school friend.

Sonia tooted the horn outside an end row Tudor-style townhouse. The residential street seemed very close to the ocean; he could smell it when he got out and clambered into the rear seat. Small as he was, the leg and headroom defied any level of comfort. He skewed sideways and tried to make the best of the available space.

Immediately a dark-haired girl came out the front door at a half-run. She looked similar in build to Sonia in a lightweight blue college sweater and flared tennis skirt. By the time she'd skipped her way over to the car James had completed all the necessary bodily comparisons. Deep tan—deeper than Sonia or Calley. Well proportioned legs, but no racehorse. Narrow waist, small bust, slim neck, short bobbed hairdo tied with a blue ribbon.

She closed the door and twisted to look at him. He felt ridiculous all scrunched up like a canned sardine. "Joby, this is James," Sonia said, adding: "He's on holiday from England."

Jobyna fed a slim hand between the bucket seats. Awkwardly he managed to give it a limp shake as they exchanged greetings. Close-up comparisons were next. Her oval face had big bright eyes and a wide mouth, but not a match for either Calley or Sonia. At times like this it really struck home how overwhelmingly beautiful the sisters were. Without trying they could put even the prettiest girls in the shade. Mere weeks ago a good-looking, friendly girl like Jobyna would have seemed heaven sent in James's world—he could imagine his schoolmates literally falling over themselves with envy at the mere sight of her.

They started moving again. Sonia shifted gears smoothly, taking it easy.

"What part of England, James?" Jobyna had a similar accent to Sonia with slightly more husk at the low end.

"West of London. Not far from Windsor," he replied, predicting she wouldn't know Egham or Stains from a hole in the ground.

Sonia quickly glanced to her right. "Help me out here, Joby. Where is this San Baile dance studio?"

"You've been there. It's off Hillcrest a couple blocks from Pacific Grove Community High. It used to be the closest disco to the school before someone sold it. Over a year ago now."

"Oh yeah, that place. Didn't they have some problems with the police?"

The girl nodded. "You know what Pacific Grove cops are like. So much as break a curfew an' they're hauling your parents into the precinct. I think someone started dealing weed out of there to the undergrads. Anyway, it's not a disco any more."

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