Chapter 58

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Act Four

Chapter 58

September arrived along with even warmer weather on the Monterey peninsula. Three days before James's birthday Colleen returned to Villa Suerte from a shopping expedition with Calley and Sonia. James had conveniently gone somewhere with Tony Scott in the driver's newly re-shod Audi—craftily spirited out of the way so the females could attend to clandestine preparations that included wrapping presents and finalizing the guest list.

About a hundred yards from the turnoff on 17-Mile Drive Colleen noticed a Monterey Police Department cruiser parked on the soft shoulder in tree shade. She slowed the Jaguar sedan and lowered the passenger-side window to take a better look. Calley sensed her mother's curiosity and slight tension.

One of the two officers turned his head then nodded to the partner alongside him as the Jaguar rolled by at walking speed then made the slow right turn onto the wooded lane.

"What's that all about, Mom?" Calley asked.

Colleen pressed the window button again. "Us, as far as I can tell. I'm sure those cops recognized this car. Something's going on and we don't need three guesses who's behind it."

Calley groaned. "Oh, Jesus, not Dad again."

Sonia rode in the back seat, still somewhat quiet and unresponsive. In fact she'd been noticeably withdrawn ever since Colleen's stinging heart-to-heart over the extra-curricular activities with James. Prompted by Calley's remark the younger girl spoke up almost for the first time during the ride home. "Something's happened. I'll bet Tony knows. They talk about every damn thing these days."

Colleen glanced at her in the mirror. "Look, I realize you're frightened he'll confide to Bob about... you know, the situation with James, but believe me it'll never happen. Tony's clear on how I feel. He wouldn't dare cross me on this."

Calley looked away, disgusted, as the car came to a stop outside the house. "Such a web of deceit. All so Dad can live in his fantasy world and pretend we're fuckin' little angels."

Colleen snapped her head to the right. "Enough of that! I don't want you making it worse. Did you talk with James like I asked you to?"

She still didn't look directly at her mother, but nodded. "We both did. Don't worry he's not going to jump off a bridge or slash his wrists. James understands the situation better than you think, but the pain is still there. I caused it. He's only human, Mom."

The driver's door opened. Colleen got out as the ever-watchful Eloisa came fussing around the car, wanting to help carry parcels—welcoming everyone home in Spanglaise.

"Neither of you know this, but I had a lengthy talk with Bob about James only yesterday," she said after nodding to the housekeeper and walking into the house through the open double doors. "I think when you hear what we decided you'll both feel easier about his leaving for England." Colleen peeled off her black gloves and seemed to want out of the high heels as soon as possible. She always treated shopping in public as a formal affair that would inevitably be slowed to a crawl by gushy fans with sharp eyes.

"He's really adamant about not returning to boarding school," Calley pitched in as they made for the den.

"Pour me a drink will you, baby, we have to talk. Oh, Sonia—"

Sonia had made it halfway up the stairs, headed for her bedroom. She stopped and turned when Colleen called to her. "Yes, Mom?"

"Don't hide away. I want all of us to talk before James gets back. In the den, please."

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