Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Robert dispatched a limousine to Monterey airport instead of meeting them himself. He had no inkling of what was about to happen. In his absence Colleen took charge and organized her strategy. Villa Suerte did not feel like a homecoming—it never felt that way even when she lived there—especially given the bombshell she prepared to drop on her unsuspecting ex.

James couldn't decide who had become more nervous: Calley or Sonia. Both girls had gone deathly quiet and only responded in monosyllables when spoken too. Sonia harbored a vivid imagination, charged with memories of the last explosion from just over a year ago. Apparently Robert had gone ballistic and tried to scatter blame in all directions before realizing where it truly lay. Sonia dreaded a repeat performance, knowing he'd come down hard on her for the conspiracy of silence.

James harbored no delusion. He'd also be squarely in the Robert Nameth firing line. Even though his incestuous exploits were reasonably safe from discovery, his culpability in other areas remained indefensible. Despite Colleen's insistence to the contrary, any way you sliced it he'd been the prime contributor. The specter of Robert's ire in his direction felt no less disturbing.


Robert didn't show up until close to six-thirty that evening. He wasn't alone in the Jaguar. Tony Scott and Blake Farantino, one of Robert's suited partners, were also in the car as it rolled to a stop in front of the main doors. They laughed and backslapped, clearly in a jocular mood, as the day had gone especially well. Colleen and the housekeeper met them in the vestibule. Re-introductions were made with broad smiles all round, as if the ex-couple were finally attempting to bury the hatchet into an atmosphere of reconciliation instead of each other's skulls. Colleen would choose her time carefully, only pulling the pin from the family grenade when the moment felt right.

"Let's all go through to the den. Where are the youngsters?" Robert busily ushered everyone ahead of him as if herding sheep. "You should have seen Tony today, Colleen. Oh, man, he made that car fly. We're going to kill 'em in August."

"I think they're upstairs with James," Colleen said, calmly leading the way. "Shall I bring them down?"

"No, leave it be for now. I know how kids like to be alone. We'll only bore them to tears. I'll go up in a minute and say hello. What'll everyone have before dinner? I have this marvelous claret..."

"Bob, I need to talk with you about something urgent," Colleen said calmly as everyone became comfortably absorbed into the overstuffed furniture. "Can we do it after supper? I don't mean to spoil your celebrations, but this is very important."

Robert looked at her curiously. "Alright, Colleen. But if it's that urgent we can do it now. I'm sure Blake and Tony will excuse us."

The two men nodded as the housekeeper poured wine and handed them glasses.

"No, later this evening would be best." Colleen crossed her magnificent legs, making sure everyone had a perfect view. The expressions on the visitors' faces said it all. They'd both met Pru, and had the same problem with Robert's stupid choices as everyone else that knew him. Yes, Colleen had messed around a bit—so what? Compared to Prunella, this woman existed on another planet. From across the room it looked as though Robert had lost his marbles as well as his wife. The conversation gently moved on.

Leaning over the balustrade, James listened carefully. He couldn't see into the den, but voices drifted up to the second floor with ease. The housekeeper bustled through the hall on her way to the kitchen and spotted his overhead eavesdropping. Her face registered disapproval, but the woman kept on going. James quietly eased his way back to the bedroom.

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