Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

From Sunday onward Calley mostly kept to herself as days came and went. She wasn't blanking James, but he knew something had turned sour in their relationship. After breakfast she would typically drive her Corvette from the garage and not show up again until late evening. He hardly gleaned any clues as to where she'd been and didn't muster the courage to ask outright. Clearly she now felt her movements were none of his business.

Robert kept insisting he would take some substantial time off to be with them, but each promise turned out to be wishful thinking as something ever more pressing demanded his full attention. From their expressions, the sisters expected nothing less. They'd endured years of absentee parenthood, punctuated by brief splashes of guilt phase, when materialistic favors were hurled at them on the fly in lieu of real presence.

By mid week Calley still hadn't shown any sign of coming around. Her coolness had not escaped Sonia's attention, either. Sonia maintained her own circle of friends and tried to include James where she could. Their prime interests didn't exactly dovetail. He walked mostly, venturing further into the dense forest each time, as if trying to get lost with his thoughts.

Thursday afternoon the pattern broke. James and Sonia found themselves together and alone at the estate. Reluctantly he acquiesced to a singles tennis set on the full-size court and acquitted himself as best he could against the agile girl. Tennis wasn't his game and James doubted if she'd agree to a rematch on a rugby field after she thrashed him soundly.

Robert's den came equipped with a large-screen TV surrounded by bulky floral couches and easy chairs, each festooned with fluffy cushions, numerous enough to comfort every derrière at the Rose Bowl. Despite this, Sonia chose to sit on the floor at James's feet. She pointed at the screen as the afternoon Colleen Green Show concluded with a roll of unreadable credits that tried to keep pace with the up-tempo music.

"See that name: Brice Halberd, Executive Producer? He's Mom's current main squeeze. They've been going out for a while now. Damn, why do they run those things so fast?"

"Have you met him?" James muttered, while trying to figure out how the remote control might silence an annoying Playtex bra commercial.

"Oh, sure, lots. I like him well enough, only he's nothing like Robert. In some ways it's a repeat of the Robert and Pru situation. The guy's talented, but nothing to look at. He's a good deal older than her as well."

James leaned forward on the couch and finally hit the right button. "You'd like your parents to get back together more than anything, wouldn't you?"

She came from the floor and plopped alongside him. Her eyes studied his face for a few moments. "That'll never happen. It takes them all their time to act civil together. I love Dad, but his pride was damaged. You don't make a man like Robert look foolish then expect to be forgiven. I have fantastic parents, James. I'm resigned to loving them one at a time."

More silence ensued before James dared broach what was really on his mind. "Sonia, can I talk to you about Calley?" His eyes were a little evasive.

Sonia moved in closer and for a moment he thought she might touch him. "Look, James, I know what's been going on." She wore a neat tank top and shorts that exploited her tan.

He resisted the urge to touch her instead. "You only think you do," he said, still avoiding any real eye contact.

"Look at me. Look at me straight and tell me the truth. Did you go all the way with her? Calley's my sister and you're my cousin. Don't you think I have the right to know?" she pressed.

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