Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

"We brought James too," Sonia said to Tony Scott as they met up at the entrance to the competitor's parking lot. She turned and latched onto the intimidated boy. "Go on, say what you promised you would."

In the background everyone could still hear the growl of engines as more racing competition continued on track. Sheepishly James glanced at Sonia then Calley, finally settling his eyes on Tony. Anyone could see he felt utterly ridiculous. "My cousins and I want to thank you for a most exciting race... and a wonderful climax to the day."

"Say the rest, like we agreed," she prompted bossily and gave him a little push.

"And they said... they said you can have a BJ any time you want."

"YOU LITTLE BASTARD! Come back here!"

James made a face at them from a safe distance as if he were six, not sixteen.

With Calley up close it took all Tony's willpower not to follow through on the bogus offer. Her outfit screamed "Rape date!" at the top of its lungs. The girl had already kissed him on the podium like a race queen in front of everyone, including her parents. Clearly she'd dressed up this way with the photo opportunity in mind all along.

The being used feeling continued.

"Dad's organized a party at the villa," Calley said, hooking Scott's arm. It'll be a great opportunity to meet people. They're golfers mostly, but some probably like racing too. They're all rich, of course."

He continued making his way toward the Jaguar Vanden Plas, trying not to stare at her semi-nakedness too blatantly. "So what am I supposed to do—kiss ass?"

She chuckled. "Don't you want to be rich, Tony? Just being a flunky chauffeur for Dad will never make it."

"Hmm. Are you sure this is about me? If I quit to make my fortune you'll get to drive around on your own or with James all you want. Am I right?"

"Don't be silly. James is going back home to England in a few days," she said quietly. They could both hear James and Sonia a few yards behind, well within earshot, laughing as her sister tried to grab him.

"Calley, I've been watching you. Bob might be fooled... but you and James have been more than kissing cousins for a while."

"So what if we are? Actually we first made love in England. Colleen knows. Look, Tony, you could never appreciate what it's like between the two of us, so don't even try."

Scott's voice dropped to barely a murmur. He appeared agitated. "Christ, he's just a baby-face kid... and look at you."

"You don't know him like I do. He did things for me when I needed him most. You could even say he saved my life." She paused, then added: "I've grown to like you, Tony, but not that way. Dad hired you to spy because that's just the way he is. I can't stop you telling Dad about James and me, but I do believe you're not a mean guy who would try to take advantage. Can we reach an understanding without intimidation?"

"Was the spying thing so transparent?"

She grinned and nodded silently.

"Then you've been playing with me—leading me on. I should spank you."

"Just try it! I'll get James to beat you up. He's about your size."

Tony Scott laughed genuinely for the first time that day. "Dammit, girl, you're the one with the mean streak. You dress like a tart, then shove it in my face and say hands off."

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