Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

By nine-thirty the police and security left. Robert showed them out and watched the taillights fade through the trees. Everyone sat around the den. Excessive vandalism in one of the most expensive and secure residential areas on earth required more than a cursory explanation. To some extent Robert had no choice but to partly come clean.

"Colleen, there's something you should know. I've been at Police headquarters in Salinas. That's where I went in such a hurry."

Colleen still tried to comfort Calley who appeared visibly shaken. Sonia sat with James, innocently holding hands like childhood sweethearts.

"Is that horrible thing a part of it?" Colleen's eyes were fierce—daring him to lie to her.

He went to the credenza and poured a large shot of Scotch, this time foregoing the soda. "I think so. The police will handle it from now on. The men I hired have gone vigilante. There's no stopping them other than arrest."

"Help me understand—they're going after the dealers themselves? Why would they do that if they're not getting paid?"

Robert downed the whiskey in one continuous swallow and went back for more. "How do I know? We'll find out once they're behind bars. Jesus, Coll, I made a dumb mistake ever hiring them in the first place—okay! You don't have to rub it in. How could I know this would happen?"

Everyone in the room except Colleen knew the answer to that question. Calley continued glaring at him intensely, but kept silent.

"Tomorrow we're on a plane to Florida. In two weeks this will be all over and done with. The Salinas police have everything they need. Tony has agreed to stay on at the house and look after things. I can easily lay on extra security if you think we need it."

Colleen looked down at Calley who curled on the rug with her arms around her mother's waist. "Let's ask Calley. She's the only one who's seen the people we are up against."

The girl tightened her grip and began to cry silent tears. "They did it, Mom. I just know they did. You'd have to be stupid not to get the message. All the security in the world isn't enough." Her eyeline shot straight to Robert. "I told you before—you don't scare these people. They have a look. You just know."

Robert finally sat down. He almost collapsed into an easy chair and deflated. Maybe she'd been right all along. "Let's get through the night and be on our way. It's someone else's problem now. In the morning we'll pack our swimsuits and forget about everything. James, you're the photographer. I want lots of pictures. Sonia, pick up your guitar from Colleen's place on the way to LAX. And Calley, pack your dancing shoes. Are we going to let these criminals spoil our holiday...? I can't hear you, people. Well are we?"

Everyone except Colleen chorused "No," although the tone sounded anything but convincing.


That night Sonia used the connecting door to Calley's room and slipped into bed beside her sister. They hugged under the percale sheets, skin to skin, far from the first time. No matter what else transpired in their lives, they'd always had each other.

Across the hallway Robert and Colleen engaged in tense, obligatory sex that satisfied neither party in their current unsettled mood and added nothing positive to their ongoing reconciliation.

James lay awake in his room thinking of the doe. He'd convinced himself she had to be the same one he'd seen on the property; that day all the intrigue began with Tony's visit. Shy and timid, but not altogether distrustful of humans.

On the uppermost floor Tony Scott could no more sleep than erase the day's images from his mind. He leaned on the windowsill with his bare arms and let the cold night air sweep over him like a cleansing agent. His current association with Robert Nameth seemed to be a mixed bag of butterflies and spiders. Nice things to look at—nasty things that bite. Only now the butterflies were flying away, leaving behind a nest of spiders. Admittedly having the run of the villa—the servants, the cars—had its appeal. But while he played Lord of the Manor would he also make himself a target by proxy?

No one in this house would sleep well tonight.


Everyone, including bleary-eyed James, had risen at dawn. Very little conversation preceded the arrival of the airport limousine as packing went ahead mostly in silence. Finally Robert took Tony aside for some last-minute instructions.

"You'll probably get a call from a Sergeant Kosenkov. He's the Salinas cop I dealt with. Act dumb like a security guard, but don't lie to him—he knows about Calley. On the other hand he doesn't know about the vacation yet. He won't be happy that I left the country, but that's my problem. He may even send someone over here to check. Keep in touch with the security patrols. Make sure they come by on a regular basis. I left the number of the guy who was here last night. What you tell Eloisa and Gabriela is up to you. Their English is not so hot, so it won't matter too much. A contractor will do the repairs and clean-up. Have I forgotten anything...?"

"Don't forget to have a good time."

Robert forced a smile and slapped Tony on the back. "You're the one guy I can trust. Keep practicing in the D-type. When I come home I want that victory at Laguna. We'll drink Champagne and forget all this garbage."

The stretched limo arrived. Tony stood and waved as it pulled away; past sheets of plywood, hastily erected to cover bad memories. Down the slope and into the trees.

After a moment he stepped back several feet and contemplated the old house in its charming entirety. Merely a week ago he'd sweated in a squalid apartment over a shoe store in war-torn West LA. Life could be a strange mixture at times.

End of Act Two

Everyone except Colleen knows Robert has not been straight about his promises. Running away to the Islands is his stopgap solution, leaving Tony to confront the dangerous mess at home. Part Two ends with uncertainty as the family embarks on their so-called "vacation".

Act three shifts to the Caribbean, but this problem will not go away.

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