Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Sonia met James and Calley at the airport and drove them to Pacific Palisades in her "shitbox," which turned out to be a tired twelve-year-old Chevelle 4 door. She parked in front of the garage and beside a new white BMW 733i.

"Mom's car," she said pointing. "I get to drive it sometimes."

James barely acknowledged.

"Man! You two are dead quiet. What's gotten into you both?"

Calley moved ahead briskly and into the house while Carmaletta bustled past, going the other way. Sonia pointed at the Chevelle and asked in high-school Spanish if she'd fetch some of the bags. James made a glum face at Sonia then followed, not daring to say a word.

When the rooms and travel bags were finally organized Sonia cornered James. "Okay, what's going on? Have you two had a fight?"

James remained evasive. "No, not really. Look, Sonia, there's something very important we have to sort out with Colleen. Can you leave the questions for now?"

"Alright. Mom's at the studio wrapping up a few things with the director. I expect she'll be back here by mid-afternoon. In the meantime I have two miserable faces to look at—lucky me."

"I think Colleen will explain everything. Please, Sonia, just leave it alone until then."

She stared after him as he walked away.


The studio limousine showed up about three. Colleen waved goodbye to her director as the black car pulled away. She wore the usual smart outfit Wardrobe had selected for her when she wasn't taping a show. Only Sonia stood at the door to greet her.

Colleen's face registered surprise. "Where are they? Don't tell me they missed the flight."

Sonia shook her head. "They're out back by the pool. Something's going on, Mom. I can hardly get two words out of either of them. They need to talk to you in the worst possible way and I don't think they want me to hear it."

Colleen went by Sonia and touched the younger daughter's face. "Okay, baby, let me sort it out." Her voice now had a worried edge.

Things didn't improve when Colleen emerged onto the sundeck and saw Calley's eyes. It was plain the girl hovered on the verge of tears. James perched on a lounger, opposite Calley and barely registered a nervous smile as Colleen stepped through the sliding door.

Ever polite he stood up. "Hello, Colleen."

She gave him a quick embrace then looked down at Calley. "Hello, James... What's the matter, Calley? Can't you even say hello to me?"

That triggered the tears. Her head went down low and the shoulders hunched as she buried her face. The moment she'd been dreading had arrived.

Colleen crouched on her knees in front of the distressed daughter and put her hands on Calley's arms. This prompted Calley to grasp her mother in a full embrace that took several minutes to run its course. Still nervous James shifted on his feet and split his attention between the emotional pair and Sonia.

Sonia now knew something had to be terribly wrong and let it show by imagining all manner of disastrous scenarios. She glared at James as if she wanted to shake the truth out of the boy.

Eventually Calley muttered, "Can I talk to you on my own, Mom?"

"Sure, baby, come inside. James, I'll want to talk with you too, when I'm ready. Whatever this is we'll get through it."

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