Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

After Robert introduced Tony Scott to the garage the driver seemed dazed. He had no inkling so many rare, exotic cars were just sitting there ready to be driven on a whim. It appeared life had been good to Robert Nameth in ways too numerous to count.

In contrast Tony's personal life had turned crapola to the point of absurdity. Not even one good paying drive came his way for almost a year. He owed money in all directions while Super Bitch lived it up in the Malibu dream home at his expense. True, he'd brought much of it down on himself with an insatiable taste for young trackside pussy. Nothing got the team groupies dropping their drawers faster than a fast spin down a deserted road.

But groupies were in the past. Like bankruptcy, fifty loomed.

Robert explained as they strolled from the garage. "I'd prefer you to use the Jag when you drive the girls. I'll take the Bentley. If you want to drive any of the other cars, ask me first. Sonia sometimes drives the Aston. She has my permission, but not with Calley as a passenger. She's grounded and her Corvette is off the road until I'm satisfied she's learned her lesson."

Tony nodded, silently taking it all in.

"James is going back to England in about five weeks. Meantime treat him like one of the family, because he is. I don't mind him going with Sonia in the Aston. Just make sure she doesn't try to give him driving lessons the way Calley did. If you catch her let me know."

"Okay, Bob, sounds straightforward. What about the gates?"

"Glad you asked. All the gatehouses will be told who you are. They know my cars and they know Calley. Security here is the best. Damn! That reminds me." Robert stopped in his tracks and pressed fingers to his forehead. "There's something I forgot to do."

"Anything I can help with?"

He flapped a hand. "No, you're alright. I must make an urgent phone call. Those investigators I hired need be told to shut it down. I gave Colleen and Calley my word. I intended doing it last night, but... well, certain things distracted me."

Robert strode off in a hurry.

By now Tony Scott had a vague idea what "certain things" encompassed. In some ways his new job felt like a guessing game. Robert required more than just a chauffeur to trundle his kids around to places they could easily get to themselves. Bob also needed a spy—a family insider that understood what constituted important intelligence and what did not.


Calley and James made it into the house via the terrace without anyone noticing. Colleen occupied the main bathroom using a hairdryer so they went up to the old bathroom on the top floor. After latching the door James calmly stripped off his pajama bottoms and sat in the antique-style tub while Calley ran hot water.

"How are your feet? Does that hurt?"

His face remained expressionless. "No, the water feels nice."

"I'll get some plasters and ointment."

His hand reached out to grip her arm. "Stay with me. I want to look at you."

The small, antiquated bathroom had poor ventilation and started to steam up. It was seldom used and had not been modernized like the ones on lower floors. She reached over the bath and unlatched the hinged windows. As she did she felt his hands move to her breasts. "Stay with me," he repeated, almost pleading.

Slowly Calley removed all her clothes. The steam soon made her skin slick and shiny. She took a sponge and began gently bathing him all over. When it reached his bourgeoning erection, he folded his arms around her and kissed her neck. She moaned "Oh, James, I do love you. Why did you spoil the game?"

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