Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

The detective he now knew as Kosenkov returned to the desk and settled into his chair. Previously hand-written notes were already typed and stapled with a report cover sheet. He began flipping pages immediately. "Can we go over some points, Mr. Nameth?"

Robert felt uneasy but nodded to the suited man. Kosenkov had a young, studious look about him, not at all what he'd imagined from the phone conversation.

"You say you hired a private detective agency to look into a drug related matter?"

"Yes, that's right."

"We have no record of any such agency. Not here and not in Los Angeles. Are you sure these people were registered private investigators?"

"Actually, no... I'm not at all sure they were registered." Robert squirmed in his seat. Actually he knew damn well that they weren't.

"And all you have is this mobile phone number that appears to be switched off most of the time?"

"Right. I have no other way of contacting them."

"Then how did you find them in the first place?"

"Through inquiries I made in Los Angeles. This man, Bosley, contacted me through my office in Monterey. At one time he worked as a detective with L.A.P.D. Narcotics Division."

Kosenkov flipped more pages. "I'm not at all clear why you think someone is going to get seriously hurt, Mr. Nameth. You supplied us a list of four names and locations—individuals you claim are trafficking in cocaine—and believe the investigators will, at some point, act illegally. Did you instruct them to hurt someone? If not, how do you know?"

Before he could answer a woman entered the glazed office and handed Kosenkov something. He just nodded and she left without saying a word. It took him a moment to digest this latest input. Kosenkov looked up at Robert again, still waiting for his answer.

Despite air-conditioning Robert felt uncomfortable and hot. "Look, I'd rather not say. Just take my word, there could be violence. I don't want anyone to get hurt."

In no screaming hurry, Kosenkov went back to his new document. "You are right about one thing: the four individuals you claim to be cocaine dealers do have records of narcotics violations."

"Well there you are."

"And these names were given to you by the people you hired?"


"Why? Be straight with me, Mr. Nameth. Is there someone you know involved with these men? A drug user?"

Presently the conversation became unbearable. Robert got up and paced the office, rubbing the back of his neck and shaking his head. He felt common—facile. When he spoke his voice had a desperate edge. "She's not using drugs any more. I know that for sure. She flushed the last of it away herself. My wife... my ex wife helped her with the withdrawal. She's clean. That part is over."

Kosenkov eased back and removed his glasses. "In these cases we are usually talking about sons or daughters. Is this your daughter?"

All Robert could manage was nod without looking at the cop.

"How old?"


"Can she identify these men?"

Again he nodded and muttered "Of course she can. I told you, she's clean."

"There is no 'of course' when it comes to hard drug users, Mr. Nameth. Most of the ones we see can barely identify themselves. If she is clean as you say, there can be no legal comeback on her, provided she agrees to be tested. Even so we can't arrest her suppliers based on an accusation alone. We need proof they sold her drugs. Often there's only one sure way to get it."

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