Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

The interviewing phase seemed over. Prunella linked arms with Robert as the entourage turned in the direction of James and Tony Scott, just as a camera flash went off under the striped awning. At the same instant a Lincoln Town Car rolled to a stop beside Robert's parked Bentley and two distinguished, somewhat older men emerged from the rear passenger doors.

"Ah, there's Blake and Walter," Robert announced. "Sonia, will you show them over to the hospitality tent? Right away please," he urged, not wanting his two partners witnessing the mechanical preparations on the partly dismembered Jaguar.

Sonia left the group and did her father's bidding, obediently steering the suited pair in the opposite direction.

He'd made the wiser choice in Sonia. He didn't dare ask Calley, and Prunella wasn't one to be ordered about like a servant. When they were closer to the awning, Robert called across to James and Tony. "We're all meeting in the hospitality tent. See you over there?"

Tony gave a small acknowledging wave and James nodded as he extracted a developing print from the Polaroid camera.


Robert Nameth never did anything by halves. Despite the entire trackside soirée only lasting a few hours, he'd ordered a fully staffed tent set up in the paddock beside the grandstands and close to the start/finish line. It contained a full bar and buffet with lounge chairs and writing desks for reporters. When James and Tony arrived, the motoring trade press were already feet at the trough—imbibing alcohol and munching heartily at Robert's expense.

"I must hand it to your uncle, James, he's no one's fool when it comes to promotion," Tony Scott observed. "Win or lose on the track, the free publicity he'll get for his classic car business will be like money in the bank. Look at these press guys: Motor Trend, Car and Driver—they're lapping it up."

James had to agree with Tony. Robert knew his business and didn't get to the top by being shy. He also knew, in retrospect, what Calley had meant. The family outing aspect was simply a happy accident—something that dovetailed nicely with business.

The Nameth group occupied front and center; gracious hosts with perfect smiles. Only the suits seemed worried.

It must have occurred to Robert's partners that all this looked very one-sided in favor of Coachbuilt Automobiles, and their presence as high-profile Nameth shills did Robert enormous good in deference to themselves.

Tony and James were immediately sucked in. Everyone got introduced machine-gun style with no possibility of recall. Calley silently eyed James over a wineglass. Her expression said: see, James, I told you so.

Robert latched onto Tony with a big smile, pulling the driver forward. "Tony, my man! This guy can drive the wheels off anything," he announced to all. "Ran at Le Mans five times. Won his class twice. Damndest race driver I ever saw."

Tony nodded to everyone, slightly uncomfortable, as Robert squeezed him by the shoulder. Now he stood much closer to Calley the full force of her beauty seemed to unnerve him.

"When do you think the Jag will be ready for a show?" Robert continued. "Everyone's dying to see you out on the track."

"We'll have her buttoned up in a few minutes, Bob. I promised James here a special look at the cockpit before we wheel her out."

"Hey, great idea. Where's that press guy with the camera? We'll set up the shot as a special-interest item. 'Future race car driver gets a look at the past.' Good line or what?"

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