Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

The next morning it became obvious; Colleen and Robert had even bathed together. They both took breakfast in robes and slippers. Colleen had a towel wound over the shock of wavy hair that always took forever to tame. Neither of them seemed in any particular hurry to dress as they politely pandered to each other like courting sweethearts.

"My God, look at him," Calley whispered to her sister. "He's late but he doesn't care. Tony will be here any minute. Who the hell is this guy?"

Sonia slowly peeled a banana and turned it provocatively in front of her sister's face. Both of them started giggling out of control.

"And what's so funny?"

"Nothing, Dad. Did you sleep well last night?" Sonia slowly inserted the banana into her mouth, but didn't bite down.

"Sonia, you've never asked me that before. What's brought this on?"

"They've got eyes, Bob," Colleen chimed in while pouring coffee.

More giggling.

He perched on a stool, making sure the robe remained closed. "Yes, well, I suppose it won't hurt to explain. Your mother and I had a long talk last night. The result is what you see, nothing more, so don't go jumping to conclusions. We're experimenting. Attempting to find out if there's anything we can salvage from our relationship." He glanced at Colleen stiffly, then back at the girls, trying hard not to lose the authoritarian air. "You'll both get a progress report when we think it's appropriate."

Colleen also sat at the round table and sipped from her coffee cup. "What he's trying to say in his inimitable way is: we slept together last night. It doesn't mean we're reconciled or making plans. We have issues to sort out, not the least of them our feelings. A lot changes in five years."

"Oh? Was it better or worse than the last time you did it?"

Robert frowned and pointed a finger at Calley. "Watch it, lady!"

"Where's James this morning?" Colleen asked as she transparently changed the subject.

"He sleeps late sometimes. Want me to go wake him?"

"No leave him be, Sonia," she interceded. "Let him get up when he's ready. The boy's on holiday."

Sonia turned to her father. "Dad, what's going to happen to James when he turns sixteen?"

Robert shrugged. "I suspect he'll sit his university entrance exams."

"Can't he do that here?"

"Darlin' James goes to school in England. It's a completely different education system to the States—a damn sight better system if you ask me. James is a very smart boy; he'll do well, mark my words."

"Yeah, I understand that. Only he doesn't have anyone anymore except us. Right, Cal?" Calley tried not to blush. She knew Colleen watched her intently. "Yes, that's right. We're all he's got."

Robert finished the coffee Colleen had poured and got up. "He'll be back next year. I'll make sure of it. Now if everyone will excuse me, I don't want to give Tony the wrong impression. I've got five minutes to dress."

When he'd moved safely out of earshot, Colleen leaned across the table. "Look at me, Calley. You're going to have to do something about James. You know he's completely infatuated with you."

She nodded, sullen, barely able to look her mother in the eye.

"It's not fair to the boy. Especially after all the things he's done for you... well is it?"

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