Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

From the door marked "private" James watched for a moment. Franklin sat at one of the round tables in the Lounge Bar flanked by Mummy and Daddy—just larger versions of the fat teen. Collectively the family looked like a cloning experiment. James knew Franklin had an older sister somewhere, but she wasn't around today. From the spread it seemed obvious they'd only just started their meal and were settling in for a long session.

He went back upstairs. Calley lay on his bed looking at one of the Girl Parade magazines he'd forgotten to put away. He tingled. She looked so much better than anything in the magazine.


"Yes, they're in the Lounge. They eat a lot. It'll be a while yet."

Her shoes were on the floor. She patted the bed beside her bare legs. "Come here."

James squeezed alongside in the narrow single bunk. All his senses went to peak awareness. She smelled delicious. Acres of soft skin with a light sheen. Her head turned away from the topless picture in the folded magazine and she stared straight into his eyes.

"Remember the Embankment?"

"Of course I remember." His breath hissed as he answered.

"You did something... with your hand. You groped my ass."

He broke eye contact. "Yes I know I did. Was I bad?"

She let a few seconds tick by as her eyes searched his face. "It's really hard to remember exactly. You'll have to do it again so I can judge properly."

With that she flung the magazine aside and rolled on top of him giggling, her legs straddling his midsection. What little there'd been of the short skirt now bunched around her waist. "Go on, feel me. Both hands."

His heart started to pound like a jackhammer. When she reached under one arm and undid the dress zip, James thought he would pass out. Dreams were one thing—reality quite another. Brain cells were ready to explode.

Caley took charge, knowing exactly how far to go with foreplay, barely leaving his virginity, if not much of his innocence, intact.


The obese family were sorting out their bar bill when James sauntered into the Lounge with a different kind of swagger. Inside he exploded with joy and found it hard not to grin from ear to ear.

"There's James." Franklin said pointing.

They bade him sit while the elder Prescotts bleated on at length about tragedy and loss and how some day he'd overcome the pain. He didn't need these hippos explaining the pain of loss, thank you just the same. Neither food-engorged parent had the faintest inkling of what had just transpired one floor above.

Franklin kept quiet, but his twitchy eyes and mouth told another story.

Eventually James set the hook.

"Can Franklin come out to the back yard? I've been working on my bicycle and want to show him," he said, innocent and clear-eyed, as if the loss lecture had been taken on advisement.

"Well only for a few minutes. We have to get back to East Molesey for a cricket match. Off you go, son. We'll be on one of the benches outside."

James led Franklin, like a lamb to the slaughter, down the hall and out the back door. The yard remained deserted.

"Where's that bitchin' cousin of yours, James?" Then Franklin snickered a dirty laugh.

They were heading straight for the shed. "Did you mention her to your parents?" James asked slyly, betting Franklin hadn't gone anywhere near the subject with them.

No answer.

Franklin's avoidance had been answer enough. The fat

kid would be rudely descriptive with his pals, but parents were another matter.

"I liked her titties, man. Did you get to feel them?"

Mere feet from the shed door it swung open. "Why not feel them for yourself, Frankie?"

Calley stood just inside the doorway, her top pushed down all the way. Before he realized it she grabbed Franklin's wrists and slapped a pudgy hand onto each protrusion. For a split second the shed interior lit like day followed by a whirring sound from somewhere behind him.

"One more, James."

Calley held Franklin's hands fast as the terrified kid turned his face full into a Polaroid camera and blinked. "That should do it." She let go and hiked up the neckline. "Talk about me and James to any of your buddies and one shot gets mailed to the school principal and the other goes to your home. You straight on that, Frankie?"

He swallowed and nodded about five times in rapid succession. Calley strutted past him, swinging her hips for effect, and plucked the first photo from the camera. "Hmm. Not bad, but you should lose some weight if you want to make it as a pornstar."

James laughed so hard he almost wet himself.


They spent the entire day together. Eating, drinking, driving town to town, necking in private, necking in public. Dare you to do this. Dare you to do that.

Everyone stared at the antics. A few smiled, but the majority displayed disapproving glares and shocked faces. None of them extinguished the high-octane fuel that drove her. James knew he looked much younger than Calley—even more than the real four-year gap.

The tart and the schoolboy.

His parents were dead. Hers were five-thousand miles away. No restrictions. No rules. No consequences. No longer on planet Earth.

James had traveled to Venus, and the journey proved sweet beyond his wildest dreams.

Now James has had a taste of pleasure and excitement he could never imagine, will the dead-end relationship with cousin Calley spoil any chance he has at finding a real girlfriend? Is he so besotted no other girl could ever come close?

Chapter nine has some very real surprises.

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