Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The poolside family orientation continued until Carmaletta, the Hispanic housekeeper, announced dinner would be served soon. James took a shower then went for a change of clothes. He'd barely finished toweling off when both sisters boldly walked into the glass-fronted bedroom on the second floor. In panic he grabbed for a pair of shorts and blushed red.

Sonia let out a laugh. "Nice butt, cousin. Turn round so I can see the rest of it."

Calley grabbed the girl in a tackle and they fell onto his bed pulling at each other, pretending to fight. Eventually they lay there like kids, giggling at his embarrassed struggle to get decent.

"He's a lot bigger than he looks, Sonia."

"And how would you know that—being such a shy girl?"

Calley propped her head on one crooked arm, not taking her eyes off the boy. "When I ran out of cash James let me stay at his house. Didn't you, James?"

James hurriedly zipped up and buttoned his shirt. "Does everyone in America talk about personal things as if all the world should hear it?" he panted.

"You're part of the family now," Sonia said looking at Calley. "I might have known this one would check you out thoroughly. How far did you both go?"

Even Calley balked at this probe. She got from the bed and picked up the towel James had dropped. "Not near as far as your dirty little mind is thinking—as if it's any of your fucking business. We're just kissing cousins; ain't that right, James?"

James turned to face Sonia. "Not really. It went a lot further than that. Calley showed me what to do. I'd never been with a girl before. I was afraid of girls. Now I'm afraid of something else."

A huge plug of silence ensued. The boy's blunt admission seemed to echo inside the room.

Sonia finally whispered through a giggle, "Calley, you didn't?"

She folded the towel uneasily. "Not all the way. Foreplay mostly—the kind of stuff you do with dopey Dylan."

"Oh you bitch!"

"Sorry. Come here, James." She reached for him and pulled. "Sonia and me, we're typical sisters. We talk about everything, but mostly we talk about our relationships. You understand, don't you?"

"So what are you afraid of now, James?" Sonia snapped, still smarting at Calley's unflattering, but not entirely unfair reference to her current boyfriend.

James avoided eye contact. "I'm afraid I can't be normal. I look at you both and wonder how I can ever find someone... well, someone like you. Ordinary girls don't interest me any more. Perhaps if I'd had a chance to know someone ordinary I wouldn't feel this way."

Sonia pushed herself up. "You're sure right about one thing: nothing's ordinary about Calley. I bet there's lots of juicy stuff she hasn't told you."

Calley glared and flung the towel at her sister. "And I bet you just can't wait to fill him in. Well go ahead, see if I care." She turned and stormed out in a huff as she'd done from Wasserman's office.

James made to go after her but Sonia caught his arm. "Like she said: we're sisters. Calley knows I won't rat on her to a cousin. Sit down and tell me what went on with Uri."

"Why do you want me to tell you about that?" he said, reluctantly perching on the edge of the bed. "I don't rat either. Ask her yourself."

Sonia moved close and touched his shoulder. "I really do care about her. Calley has a heart of gold, but she acts tough—likes to be in control. Big sister, you know."

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