Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Upon receiving the call the police hustled up the lane and into the house in seconds. Midway the cruiser passed an orange GTO traveling at normal speed in the opposite direction.

Joby Benson turned in her seat and looked back at the speeding cop car. "Wonder what that's all about?" she said to Lino.

He grinned with satisfaction from ear to ear. "Bet some junky whore OD'd on drugs. I seen plenty big parties like that one, baby. Best I take you home to Mama."


The scene inside the top-floor washroom looked and smelled wretched.

Sonia had freaked out to the point of hyperventilation.

Calley lay on her back, eyes wide open to the ceiling but seeing nothing. James had slumped forward with his head down the toilet in an almost cartoon-like pose. Tony Scott reached Sonia first as one of the cops came thundering up the stairs at full tilt. He barred entry to everyone except his partner. Scott latched onto Sonia and tried to calm her down.

The first cop went to James and pulled his head out of the bowl by the hair, slightly recoiling at the stench of fresh vomit. The boy emitted a groan. The other one went to Calley on his knees. He made a quick examination then spoke on his radio to the paramedic team that had already been dispatched. "Yeah, barely a pulse. Sure looks like an OD." He listened for a second then turned to Sonia and Tony Scott. "Anyone here know what she's on?"

The question set Sonia off shrieking again. Scott hugged her and spat his words angrily at the cop. "She's not on anything, dammit."

"Well she didn't get like this on booze. The boy's just drunk, but the girl is something else. Any past drug abuse you know about?"

Scott hated to say it. "She took cocaine for a while."

Instantly he got back on the radio. "Could be coke... yeah, fully dilated... nothing in the mouth or nose. What's your ETA? Well step on it. Don't know if I can hold her with CPR." He turned back to Tony. "That girl her sister?"

Tony nodded, still trying to calm Sonia down.

"Look, miss, you gotta help me here. Where did she keep it?"

Scott flared with anger. "What are you, deaf? She's off the drugs. Someone else did this to her. Don't you read the fucking papers?"

A distant siren sound gradually became louder. The cop worked away, doing what little he could.


The restaurant nestled tight to the shore in the artistic center of old Carmel. They could hear waves gently lapping on the breakwater as a light ocean breeze flapped the awning overhead. Everyone had left long ago and now the serving staff hovered patiently in the background.

Colleen reached across the small round table and touched Robert's hand. "That brought back nice memories. How long is it since we went to dinner and a play?"

Robert had to contain himself. She looked utterly ravishing tonight. Reflected candlelight danced in the brown cornea like beacons at the gates of paradise. They were young lovers again, despite all the bitterness of the past. The words came easily tonight. "Too long. Why do we deny ourselves? What's wrong with us, Coll?"

Her laugh became throaty. "You'd imagine we could get some of it right after twenty years. At least this is a start." She glanced away for a second. "I'd like to stay here trying all night, but I think they want us to leave."

One of the waiters whispered to the busboy. "That's Colleen Green—you know, the one on TV. The guy is some millionaire. Lives in Pebble Beach. They were married at one time. Their daughter's a cokehead. Been on the news."

The teenager smirked. "She's older than both of us, but I wouldn't mind. Man, look at those legs and tits."

"Forget it, weenie. Millionaires only like each other."


They took their time driving back in the open Bentley. The road hugged the coastline through Carmel and into Pebble Beach. A perfect night—warm, almost dreamlike. The lower section of 17-Mile Drive now began its rise away from the seashore, towards the forested slopes and higher ground. At a picture-perfect vantage point Robert eased over to the side of the deserted road. The clear, star-studded view looked more magnificent than he had ever realized. Colleen went to his side and leaned her arms on the rustic railing. "What a night," she whispered.

He turned and drew her to him. "Beyond perfect, my darling."

As they kissed a distant sound grew louder. A disruptive sound that tried to remind them that the world would never be perfect. It seemed to burst upon them. Colleen shielded her eyes from the dust as the ambulance and squad car went screaming by at terrifying speed, only feet from where they stood. She laughed and held onto the headscarf. "So much for perfect. Come on, Romeo, let's go home."

Robert remained staring after the two rapidly disappearing vehicles. "Was that a Monterey cop car?" he muttered.


"A Monterey cop car—the one I had them park at the villa. It was. Oh, Jesus."

Now they stared at each other, not daring to breathe.


Sonia had gone with Calley in the ambulance, but Tony Scott stayed behind. The remaining policeman tried to collect statements from the rapidly depleting guests. The party had broken into a shambles as chaos erupted when everyone tried to leave at once. Another squad car was on its way.

James came to gradually, his back propped against the old bath. Sounds of distant horns and general hubbub were set to the constant dripping of a tap. He tried to stand, but fell back, legs like rubber. A new discovery—in addition to vomit purges he'd wet himself, and now the boy comprehensively stunk of urine.

"You stupid wanker." The squeaky voice seemed to echo inside the empty tiled room. He tried again and succeeded in wobbling upright, clinging to the tub for support. Although the closed bathroom door wasn't a far reach, the distance to it now seemed huge.

Before he could attempt any relearning of basic walking skills the door magically opened. Leona caught him before he fell on his face. "Hey, little James, easy does it. Bugger me, you smell bad. Tony is going nuts downstairs. What happened?"

"I... I got pissed up. Where's Calley?"

"Jesus, you can say that again. Smells like you got pissed on. I don't know where Calley is. Someone was taken away in an ambulance. I saw her sister getting in."

He tried to think. The more he tried the more his head hurt. His finger wavered in the woman's face. "You are... Tony's friend. I'm sorry I forgot your name."

She lowered the lid on the toilet seat, carefully avoiding the pool of piss on the floor. "Leona, love. I'm from England, too. Here, sit down before you have another accident."

Suddenly someone downstairs took an absolute screaming fit. The sound of shrieking came rushing up from the ground floor and through the open doorway. Leona made sure James wasn't about to fall off the seat then went out onto the landing.

James swayed a little. The frantic, screaming voice sounded like Colleen. Over it all a very loud motor fired up. Car doors slammed. Leona quickly stuck her head inside the bathroom. "Sorry, James that was Tony's car. I must go. I'll tell someone you're up here."

He had no idea how long he sat there. Eventually all the downstairs sounds faded to complete silence. He might have dozed off. He had no way to tell.

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