Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

Robert stood mute, staring at the piece of paper while his other hand went to his mouth. From his chair Scott watched the reaction then spoke quietly. "You must take it seriously, Bob."

"All the cars had these things on them?" he snapped.

"Yeah, it's nothing to do with the speed shop. They wouldn't be that dumb. Someone knew where I'd parked your car. It must have been early. I saw very few cars in the lot when I arrived."

"Who besides those with pit passes has access to competitor parking?"

Scott's head went from side to side. "Forget it, Bob. Anyone can walk in there. You just can't drive in without a pass. There were thousands of spectators milling around the infield."

"So why didn't they put it on the Bentley?"

"VIP parking is much smaller and closely watched. Not even these flyer guys can get in there without being rousted by track security. Did you get one of these?"

Thoughtfully Robert muttered "No."

"There you are. Whoever did this knows I work for you."


"What are you going to do?"

Robert moved back behind his desk and snatched up the phone. "Call Kosenkov for starters. I want the security tightened around here."

"Bob, he's no use to you. From what you say he doesn't even like you. Make your own arrangements," Scott said leaning forward.

"Like doesn't enter into it. He's under pressure from the county DA on this case. All I have to do is talk to Hammond and Kosenkov knows it. I want 24-hour police protection until the trial is over. Then we'll see about private security. After my experience with Bosley's crew I don't trust any of those rented cowboys."

Scott eased back and watched him dial. Robert had a point.

"This stays between us for now. Nothing to Colleen or the kids... Oh yes, Sergeant Kosenkov please."


Colleen knocked on Sonia's door. She knew Calley must be in there too by the muffled voices. Sonia opened it cautiously, still in her new baby-doll nightie. "Oh, hi, Mom," she responded dourly, as if wanting to close the door again.

Calley sat up in Sonia's bed, propped by pillows with her legs tucked under the quilt. It looked like they'd slept together all night. "Can I come in?" their mother asked quietly.

She perched at the foot of the queen-size bed instead of using a chair. Sonia went back to where she'd been: tucked in close to Calley. Both girls regarded Colleen in silence, knowing by her face something serious had prompted the visit.

"James and I had a long chat this morning. Can we talk about him?"

The sisters glanced at each other. "Shouldn't James be included?" Sonia shot back accusingly.

"Hmm, not for the moment. Maybe later," she replied, noting Calley's version of the short nightie looked completely see-through. Colleen wanted James's undivided attention when it came to the final confrontation. "This part is between the three of us."

Sonia muttered a cautious "Okay." So far Calley hadn't said a word.

"Before we do I want to talk about both of you for a moment. Sonia, you'll begin a new semester at UCLA in a couple of weeks. I don't start taping until late September and decided I'd stay on here with Bob for a few extra days. You might be at the house on your own. I know you don't like that, so I thought Calley could go down to LA with you." Her eyeline switched to Calley for a reaction.

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