Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

When Sonia returned to Calley's bedroom things had changed, including the expression on her sister's face. Calley sat facing James with dulled, downcast eyes replacing the earlier glint of impishness as if the girl had taken a mood relapse—a step backwards to the depressed countenance of several days ago.

James looked up at Sonia. She perched beside Calley and both sisters stared at each other for a moment before Sonia said, "Oh, Calley, I think you were right." She reached for her hands.

Calley responded. "James told me everything, Sonia. He hasn't changed one bit. He's hired some men—ex cops—to find out where I scored the drugs."

Sonia anxiously glanced at James. "Is that why he asked all those questions about Dylan? He thinks Dylan has something to do with it?"

James made a thick swallow. "He remembers the phone calls from Joby Benson. Robert must have a memory like a steel trap; they were weeks ago. Anyway, I couldn't tell him the truth so I made something up. In doing so I let slip you had a steady boyfriend in Los Angeles. I didn't know you'd never mentioned Dylan to your dad. He jumps right to the conclusion that if it's a student, and if it's LA, he must be involved with drugs. You'd better warn Dylan, but don't call him from here. I suspect Robert sometimes records phone calls."

Frustrated, Calley shook her head. "Damn him all to hell. I'm sorry I can't be much help, Sonia. He did something to my car. It won't start. Technically I'm grounded. I'm pretty sure all the gate houses have been told not to let me pass unless I'm with him."

"Well fuck this shit," Sonia shouted, angry and red-faced. We're all going down to LA if I have to steal one of his cars. You're an adult. He can't keep you a prisoner in the house."

"No, Sonia. He'd only send them after us. You go. Explain everything to Mom and she'll come back. Do you have some money?"

The girl made a pained expression. "Not enough for a plane ticket."

James stood up. "Yes you do. Wait here. The last time I gave a Nameth girl money it got me in all kinds of bother. Oh well, it looks like I'm doing it again."


Throughout supper tension fairly crackled in the air, but the girls' bellicose feelings went completely over Robert's head. Sonia waited, until he'd become whiskey-primed and soundly asleep on the couch, then called for a cab. She knew the flight times out of Monterey Airport by heart. James and Calley waited with her at the top of the driveway, well away from the house. She sat on her rucksack and shuffled her sneakers in the gravel, lost for words at Robert's blind determination to have his day of retribution no matter the cost. They all knew only one person could make him relent and call off the dogs. Even now, long divorced, Colleen seemed to have a way with Robert's pig-headed side. She was the sense-giver and invariably penetrated the stubborn, self-destructive ego that powered everything. Accumulating wealth comprised his sole yardstick for success. It took a strong woman to make him look at himself in another light.

Sonia kissed James and whispered as she got into the cab. "See you soon. Look after her for me, cousin. Don't let him drive her over the edge."

After a wave the remaining pair linked hands and slowly walked back to the house in silence. The Pacific sunset put on a display rivaling any evening sky James could remember. One of those serene moments he'd never forget.

Calley felt all set to turn in and have an early night. Her sleep patterns were still disrupted, and not having James alongside when she needed to hear him breathing made it harder to drift off. Something had begun that she hardly dare admit. Her basic feelings were changing. She looked at James differently since the shivering, sweating withdrawal nights at Colleen's house. Through her crisis he'd gotten under her skin in ways that might never have seemed possible before. When they made love now, it came charged with deep emotion. Naughty games were becoming serious games.

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