Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

James had been on wild carnival rides before, but when Tony exited the Corkscrew and dropped five stories in three seconds while turning left, the boy's eyes bulged like a frog. The whole time Tony shouted out a running commentary as if James could comprehend every word.

"That was Eight and Eight A. We need second going into Nine. Keep the power on as you gear up and get as far over to the right without dropping a wheel. Grab two at the entrance and trail-brake on the exit under the bridge. Use the four-wheel drive to the max and brake with the left foot. Lots of speed on exit. Hard over to the left for Ten. Don't scrape the wall. Watch the mirrors for cars coming up on the inside. Power shift down through the box—match revs. Second gear. Punch it at the apex, over the strips... "

James's legs felt like rubber when he tried to walk. Out of nowhere a hand gave him support under his arm. "You alright, James?"

The hand belonged to Robert.

James tried to nod under the full-face helmet. "I found it very exciting." The words came out more as a croak.

Robert raised his voice to a shout while James leaned against the pit wall and fumbled with the Velcro strap. "What the hell do you think you're doing, Tony? Driving at those speeds with an underage boy."

"Underage?" Scott retorted. "He said he took a driving lesson today. How could he be underage?"

"I'm his acting guardian, you fool. Suppose something had happened out on the track? You know the rules better than anyone. If I report you to track control you're finished in this State."

"Oh, yeah? Then who'll risk their ass driving your historic junker?" Regret showed in his face the moment the words slipped out. On balance, Tony Scott wasn't having one of his better days, and this current lack of savoir-faire didn't help.

Robert shook his head. "And I thought we were friends. This is how you pay me back for all the help I've given you?"

Very true. Robert's high-level introductions to sponsors had led to most of the lucrative team drives. Drives Scott would never have scored on his own. Even though he was fiercely competitive by nature, humble pie loomed as the dish of the moment.

"Sorry, Bob. Rotten day, you know. Nothing seemed to go right." He came across to James and took the helmet, ruffling his hair. "You okay, kiddo? Sorry if I scared you."

"You... you didn't. I liked it. Can I get a photo of the car?"

Scott looked up at Robert through a moment of silence. Robert slowly shook his head. "This kid has more guts than all of us. Let him take his picture." He pointed a menacing finger at the driver. "No more joyrides, okay?"

"Whatever you say, Bob."

If truth be known Scott fully intended to scare the crap out of the lad. James had set him up over Calley and anticipated how she'd react. Nothing wrong with fair payback.


Robert seemed quiet as he drove the Bentley at a sedate speed, allowing everything to pass him. The girls didn't say much either. Eventually he looked sideways at James. "So what's this I hear about you taking a driving lesson?"

James turned and nervously glanced back at Calley. He didn't want to lie in Robert's face, but this would make the second time today he'd put Calley in an awkward position. "I'd rather not say, Uncle Bob."

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