Han and Chewy

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I could tell two people had boarded the ship by the sound of their footsteps over the metal floor.

I held my breathing mask on anxiously as Rey fumbled with the pipe.

Just then, her wrench slipped from her hand and clattered to the floor.

My breath caught in my throat. My heart was pounding in my chest.

The two people walked over us. Their faces came into view as they peered at us under their feet.

I recognized a face.

"Han?" I asked incredulously.

"Y/n?" Han asked, just as confused. He pulled off the grate and hoisted me out.

"And Chewy!" I realized. "It's so good to see you both," I said, embracing the wookie.

"Look at you!" Han exclaimed. "And your baby bump."

"Babies bump," I corrected with a smile.

Rey climbed out and stared at us. Finn hoisted up the two droids then joined her.

"You're kidding? Tell me you're kidding," Han said.

"Two little ones right here," I said, putting a hand over my belly.

"Poe's going to be so happy," he said, patting my shoulder.

"Poe . . ." I said quietly. "Han, Poe is-is," I studdered. Han looked at me confused. Then, he realized.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry," he said quietly. Han pulled me into a hug. Chewy wrapped his long arms around the both of us.

I had always thought of Han and Leia as parents. Luke had practically raised me. And now without Poe . . .

We pulled away.

"So," Han started. "Are you going to introduce Chewy and I?" he said, gesturing to Rey and Finn.

"Han this is Finn and Rey," I said.

"Rey and Finn, this is Han Solo."

A look of wonder crossed Rey's face. "This is the Milenium Falcon? You're Han Solo?" she asked excitedly.

"I used to be," Han said and stormed off down the hallway.

I laughed at the old man's antics.

"The war general?" Finn asked.
"No the smuggler!" Rey said. "He made the Kessel run in less than 14 parsecs!"

"12!" Han called from down the hallway. "14 . . ." Han mumbled. I followed him as he made his way to the cockpit.

The man looked around what had become of his old ship. "It's been a long time," he said. Chewy nodded in agreement.

A Jedi and Resistance Pilot (A Poe Dameron Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now