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For the hundredth time this month, Cubbie called and asked if I could pick Nate up again. I don’t know what he is doing to himself. He is torturing himself with the fact that I will definitely take Nate out for ice cream like I always do. I did try asking him why a few times and he said that he just likes me to spend a little more time with me. I don’t find it fair enough because Nate was born first, so I got to spend more time with him before the rest were born. Then Cubbie said that it wasn’t his fault that the rest haven’t started elementary yet. He could be a jerk sometimes, but aren’t all the people I’m closest to jerks? I find jerks fun sometimes. Call me a freak if you want to.

            I tried to turn him down at first, but I was suddenly in the mood for ice cream. So Cubbie might be in luck that Nate won’t have to stay in school after hours. It happened once and you do not want to know how cranky that kid got at his dad. Not only that, but it’s also hilarious to watch. Nate is just like Cubbie. They are both like rivers. Their currents could flow calmly and quietly one day and turn rapid and killingly dangerous the next.

            I parked right at the front the moment the bell rang. I like how loud it rings when it comes to dismissal time. It’s like the bell is trying to say that we were all free. It is time, my children! You are free! But that’s just me and my imagination. Nate was the last one to come out after about a hundred kids came running out like there was fire in the building. He walked towards me with his fingers intertwining with each other. “Hey, buddy. What’s wrong?”

            “I think I’m in trouble.” He slammed his back against my car,

            “How so?”

            “My teacher wants to see you. Well, since dad’s not here.”


            “I didn’t know what I did. She told me that she needed to see my parents or any adult.”


            He nodded, “I think dad’s going to kill us.”

            “If your teacher needs to see me, that doesn’t mean it’s trouble.” I tried to sound optimistic, “My parents used to get called too.”

            “What for?”

            I shrugged, “I don’t want to brag. Now, come on.”

            Nate walked me towards his classroom. The hallways were empty and so was the classes. Looking around at the decorations and posters, it made me miss my old school. I miss how colorful and interesting elementary was.

            “Well, hello.” A voice snapped me back to reality. It was a lady with glasses and hair tied into a ponytail. Her smile was very friendly, considering that she spends most of her days with hyperactive little monkeys. “I’m Ms. Rachel, Nate’s teacher.”

            “Hi, I’m…”

            “Mrs. Harrison.” Nate answered that for me,

            “Oh, are Mr and Mrs Fink unavailable?”

            “They are. I always pick Nate up whenever they’re unavailable.”

            “So you’re his guardian?”

            I nodded, “Yes, I am.”

            “Okay, great. If you would like to take a seat? I have a few things to discuss with you about Nate.”

            I sat down as she sat behind her desk, “Is he in trouble?”

The Foster Kid (Part 10) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now