Rescue Rush

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3rd point of view *gasps*


Officer Toby’s trustworthy instinct started to bubble madly like boiling water. He doesn’t like this feeling because it always mean something bad. As a cop, his instincts are growing more and more accurate each day. He was patrolling on foot around the neighborhood when Ally called. He knew something fishy was going on the moment his ex-partner, Beau, started barking. The way he barked was the same as when he sniffed trouble. He knows that Beau doesn’t play jokes, that he’s always dead serious about his talent in barking and notifying. Toby couldn’t ignore this gut feeling of his, it’s never going to happen anyways. He switched his patrol car’s engine on and raced towards her place, hopelessly praying.

            By the time he got to her building, he bolted towards the stairs. Screw the elevator, he thought. He should get used to running up the stairs. His heart was about to burst and his legs were screaming in pain. He had no time to politely knock like he always do, screw that. He needs to let this bad feeling loose because it’s driving him crazy. It’s a reflex to act fast in finding a solution. He was trained to do so. He could hear Beau crying and barking behind the door. He understands that dog as much as how much he understands and memorizes the state’s laws. The door burst opened at the first kick.

            Beau could smell Toby, even before the door was kicked opened. He rushed to his beloved master, carrying devastating news.

            “Beau, where’s Ally?”

            He stood on his hind legs, trying to get Toby to follow him.

            Those two are like salt and pepper. They understand each other. It’s like they have their own secret language that only those two themselves could understand. Toby followed him further into the apartment, the inside of him climbing towards his throat.

            Beau pointed with his muzzle at unconscious Ally. She was on the floor, out of breath- not breathing actually. And broken glass on the floor. Beau doesn’t understand how this could happen.           

            Toby could feel his heart get squished like jell-o. It was real and Ally wasn’t doing a fad little thing. It was all real. He did his precautionary check ups. He kneeled and pressed two fingers under her jaw, “Dispatch, I need an ambulance right now. I’ve got an unconscious victim, weak pulse, and I think I’m losing her.”

            Beau started poking Ally again, on her arm this time. He hopes that she would wake up. Even though he’s only been with her for a few days, he loves her to death.

            He couldn’t think properly and he can’t waste time, “Ally, don’t do this to us. Please.”

            Beau rested his muzzle on the crook of her neck, sniffing her so he could remember until the day he dies. He lightly nudged her, crying. His master can’t leave him right now.

            He could feel himself starting to vanish as he realized about his best friend and the guys. What is he going to do?

            The ambulance arrived seconds later and rushed Ally out. Toby hopped in because screw his foot post right now. Fuck it. Beau refused to go. He remembered Ally talking to this kind stranger and the stranger said that he’s coming. He was taught that come means to show up. So this kind stranger is going to show up here. He needs to watch the stranger and tell him about Ally because the stranger is kind to her. Kind people are best buddies. So this stranger is a buddy to him too.

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