Fed Up

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Nate’s big day was at least three days away. I have sort of been helping him out on his speech. It was just a simple thank you speech and stuff like that. I gave him the freedom to write anything he wants and I would just correct the grammatical errors. I’m so proud of that kid. He has improved a lot in a short amount of time. I wasn’t able to do that when I was his age.

            Ryan had an emergency meeting with the board. Sucks to be him. He was freaking out in his suit instead of his white coat. It’s been a while since I saw him wearing a formal-looking suit and tie. He said that it was just a meeting, not a shift. I was wondering on what would the meeting be about. I mean, the board. Doesn’t that scare the hell out of you? He could come home either looking like a truck just ran over him or a unicorn just shat all over him.

            I wasn’t at home when he called about the meeting. I was at Cubbie’s place helping Nate out both on his homework and the speech that he thinks it’s never going to be done on time. It’s cute to watch him talking to himself in front of the mirror. Just like his parents, he was born to stand in front of an audience and not be awkward. It’s adorable that he’s ambitious, and I don’t want to weigh him down with the pressure of growing up. Middle school sucks depending on your luck. “It’s perfect already. What do you want to change?”

            “But it doesn’t sound right.” He frowned,

            “Your dad’s music doesn’t sound right, but people still like it.” I shrugged, “Stop worrying so much, you’re still eleven. If you keep thinking about it, then it’s going to end up wrong.”

            “You sure?”

            “Absolutely.” I nodded, “And your dad and I will be the ones who’ll give you the first dramatic standing ovation. Yeay, Nate!”

            “Please don’t embarrass me in front of my friends.”

            “I’m kidding. Wow, you really are starting your pre-teen years.” I grumbled in disapproval,


            “For what?”

            “For helping me out.” He smiled, “And for wanting to come.”

            “I’d show up anyways without you having to make me go.”

            “Ally?” I heard Cubbie called, “Let’s go!”

            “Go where?”

            He popped his head from the door, “Let’s take a walk.”

            “Can I come?” Nate pleaded,            

            “Uh, no.” It came out cold,

            “Why noooottt?” He slouched and pouted,

            “Because you have school tomorrow and your mother’s going to kill me if I take you with me.”

            “It’s not fair.”

            “I’m sorry, buddy.”

            “Do I have to take a walk with you?” I asked,

            “Let’s go out for a drive then.”

            “Why now?”

            He sighed like he was about to give up. I hope he changes his mind, though. That sour look of annoyance and irritation. He’s so good at it sometimes that it tends to annoy myself as well.

The Foster Kid (Part 10) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now