Let Her Go

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This will definitely be the most depressing day that those guys would ever encounter their whole lives. They had to make the toughest choice in their lives. No one ever thought that live would get this unfair. Up to the point where it would scar them for life. All of a sudden, her heartbeat seemed slower. They miss her already. In this silent situation, it would be her who would start a conversation like she always does. They miss her voice. How it would go high and slightly squeaky when she gets really excited, and how it would sound low and croaky when she talks serious. Totally different, and that’s one of the things that help the guys find out how she’s really feeling deep down inside. Their secret weapon that she has been questioning half of her life.

            The guys weren’t seeing this twenty nine year old figure, but more of a fourteen year old. It was her age of when they first met. It was definite that it will always be how the guys look at her. As a fourteen year old perky potato who barely reached their shoulders. Who tells stories, made up or real, and made them feel like they were a part of it. Who smiles and blushes a lot. Who went through a rough time and tried to live life the fullest after that.

            Ryan wished that his sister’s favorite fairytale was true. That the princess would wake up after her prince kissed her. His sister loved Sleeping Beauty. Sadly, there’s no way that he could relate to it. This is reality, not some fucking story in a book. It’s being written on the spot, not scripted. At least he could be here. He remember running all over the hospital looking for his sister, and he turned out to be a little too late. At least he could still be her for another moment.

            AJ remembered the day he met her after twenty seven years. He was still surprised on how quick she took him back in. She has no idea that he was her brother, and she understood him. For the last two years, he’s been grateful that they were able to get back together again and faced all sorts of shenanigans. Two years is a very short time if you ask him. He just got the privilege to get to see her again, and then this happened.  

            Gordon was starting to not want to do it, but he had no other choice. He liked Ally for defending him when Ryan was being a jerk sometimes. He was about to kill her. He should go to jail, shouldn’t he? It has been a long day and he wished that time would either stop or reverse itself. His hand was on the tube already and all he needed to do was to pull it off.

            AJ was starting to tremble again. He was on his own. He didn’t allow Glen to come in because he didn’t want Glen to see all this and him being in his current state.

            Isom could feel his heart pounding loudly. He could feel his arteries about to burst and his heart will then explode. He couldn’t stop thinking about his little girl. One day, she would ask her about Ally and he would have to explain all the little details that he knows with all his heart. He has always wanted to pay her back for saving his life, but he couldn’t. If he knew what to do, then he’d save her.

            Cubbie ran his hand through his hair and rubbed his face. His superman lost the battle, but she lost with honor for the effort and the things she has done. He had to accept the fact that she lost with sincerity.

            Sean felt like going out of that room, but there’s no way that he’s going to do that. He wants to show her that he’s strong, just like what Daisy said that Ally told her. He still can’t believe that Daisy’s nightmare has something to do with this, though. Scary.

            Pontius was angry at himself for not being able to save her. If she could pull her out of the water, then why couldn’t he wake her up? But life is a lot more harder to figure out compared to rocket science. He wished that his life later on wouldn’t be flat, unlike when Ally still roams around.

            She was the one who helped Mark clean up. He’s been sober ever since Austin was born and he’s been nicotine-free ever since Ally was around eighteen. It’s amazing that he was able to achieve such things with the help of one very special person. Then, there’s the rooftop. The only place where the truth and its emotions can come out freely. Where all the birds start as they take off.

            Gordon looked at the ticking clock, waiting.

            “WAIT! DON’T!” The door flew opened,


            Beep… Beep…… Beep……… Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp…

            There goes Ally, and the halves of everyone in that room and everyone outside.

            It was Andy who just got out of twelve hours of the torture chamber. He knew something was up the moment he was Toby in the airport, but he never expected that this would happen. He felt that knife that he held on to back when tried to commit suicide, stabbing him for real. His vision immediately blurred from the tears. Fuck his manliness, this was a lot more important than that.

            “Mommy, please make the noise stop.” Stella was right behind him with no clue on what’s going on,

            Riley stood with her mouth hanging opened. She was obviously really shocked. She worried about the two boys, Andy and AJ. She knew how much they loved their baby sister, but she doesn’t know on how will they handle this. Her hubby’s going down.

            He staggered towards his little sister, whom he’s seen grow from a baby into a woman. He’s been with her through out his life so far and they have been through a lot, like really many. He wrapped his arms around her, his ear against her chest. He would of heard her breathing and her heartbeat, but there was nothing. She’s gone. No breathing, no heartbeat, she’s simply gone. For two years they didn’t see each other and this is what he gets? Life must be shitting all over him again. “No, please don’t. Please don’t. Come on, Ally. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Don’t go. I still haven’t kept my promise. Please. I- You- Just- No, please, don’t do this to me.”

            “Andy, let her go.” Cubbie softly said,

            Andy had to ponder about it for a while and he ended up agreeing with Cubbie. He had to face it, even though his heart has just been crushed into bits. It’s a broken heart and he has to face it. Everyone has to.

            Love doesn’t have to be between a boy and a girl at about the same age, go out for dates, and other cheesy things like that. It’s about being with someone who you can be comfortable with, who you care about, and who you would want to spend the rest of your life with. It isn’t just a boyfriend and girlfriend, or just a husband and wife. It could be between anyone, a father and daughter, a brother and sister. Love has no limits and it’s unconditional. It’s an intense feeling of deep affection, but that’s just one of the meanings. A dictionary meaning. Love has a lot of meanings, depending on how people see it and who they apply it to. It’s painfully difficult to make someone love and care for you. It takes a lot of time, effort, patience, and especially faith. It’s a dreaded process but it’s going to be the best thing that has ever happened to you when you reach to that point, the finish line. That makes love sound great, but love can be a pain in the ass too. It would take time, sweat, effort, patience, faith, and tears to get someone to love you. But it would take just one blink of an eye for someone that you love to slip away, no matter how tight you were holding on to. This person that you love, the person who you’d do anything for, gone in a blink of an eye. Too fast. Love is risky too. You can fall in love too much that it hurts. Like diving from a certain height and that it could break your bones when you make contact with the water. For love, it’s your heart that is the victim.

The Foster Kid (Part 10) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now