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Before heading towards to the city’s best ice cream parlor, we went to the studio first. Going inside that place and just wander around aimlessly is one of the most normal thing I do in there. Normal. It’s a second home for them and it’s partially my second home too. Nate and I walked hurriedly down the hall looking for Cubbie because we felt like screaming for ice cream. I like how music would leak out of the doors and the vents. This place is like a freaking maze and I slightly enjoy it. I sometimes feel like I was walking in the hall of fame because of all the pictures and awards they have earned. We barged into the sound room and nearly gave Larry a heart attack. “God, you scared me!”

            “Sorry.” I grinned innocently,

            “Hi, Larry.” Nate greeted,

            “Hey, sport. What are you up to?”

            “Can you give them a minute?” I asked, “We need to have some serious talk with Cubbie.”

            “Help yourself.” He gestured at the microphone,

            “Thanks.” I happily skipped towards the microphone and pressed the button that cut the music,

            “Hey! What’s your problem?” Mark’s voice leaked through the speakers,

            “Nate?” Cubbie removed his headphones and squinted at us, “What are you two doing here?”

            “We need to talk.” I said to the microphone,

            “You have got to be kidding me!” Pontius scowled,

            “Shut up, Pontius!”

            Cubbie sighed, “Can this wait?”

            “Yea, we’re almost done.” Isom added,

            “We just started, dillweed.” Sean rolled his eyes,

            I glanced at Larry and he just gave me a shrug.

            “Well, we could always talk later.” Nate said,

            “Come on, Cubbie.” I pleaded, “I’ll take you out for ice cream.”           

            “That’s not fair!” Pontius cried, “How come only he gets ice cream? What about me?”

            “Get your fat butt down to the ice cream place on your own!”

            “What?” He gasped loudly,

            “We’re burning daylight, Cubbie. It’s really important.”

            “Practice makes perfect, you know?”

            “But nobody’s perfect. So, why practice?” I sassed,

            “Didn’t think of that.” Mark snapped his fingers,

            “Well, note that down.”

            “Are you that desperate?” Sean teased,

            “Can we get this practice over with as soon as possible?” Isom slouched, “Please, I just need to get this over with so I could go home.”

            “Why don’t we cut practice?” I asked, “I mean, Isom needs to be ready and stuff. You know why.”

            “Sadly, that’s never done and it’s not happening.” Mark shook his head, “You can’t just barge in and take Cubbie from us. We know him longer than you, kiddo. Oops, I just said that. But yea, we do know him longer than you do.”

The Foster Kid (Part 10) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now