No Choice

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O’Malley was about to deliver the news to five women, a twenty year old, an eleven year old, two six year olds, a five year old, and a four year old. He wouldn’t be surprised if one of the kids would launch at him. He knocked and entered. He didn’t even have to say a word and he’s getting looks already. There’s no x-ray viewers in the room, so he would have to do everything orally. “Um… We got Ally’s x-rays, and it showed that her lungs are shrinking at the moment. So, she really needs the oxygen pump to keep her alive, which means that she’d have to live with that forever, which leaves us with the choice of having to let her go. I’m truly sorry, but there’s nothing else we can do.”

            Glen nearly dropped Austin off his lap.

            The girls gasped, unable to comprehend all those words. They were all speechless.

            “You need to wake her up! She promised that she’d come to my graduation! It’s not fair!” Nate cried and stormed out,

            “Nate, sweetie!” Rebecca called, running after him.

            “I don’t know about you guys, but I need to see her.” Glen stood up and walked out as well,

            The kids all trailed behind him like little ducklings. Adorable.

            Then the girls decided to follow them too.

            AJ was standing outside the room, his back leaning against the wall and his head lolled backwards. He was looking up at the white ceiling. It reminded him of his childhood, the day Ally was born. He remembered looking up at the white ceiling as he waited. It nearly felt the same, except for the place and the situation. He was waiting for her to come twenty nine years ago, and now he’s waiting for her to leave. How tragic is that? His life is full of tragedy. He growing more tired and tired every single day. Glen stood next to him and studied him from head to toe. It was a relief that he isn’t freaking out over a fake heart attack or something. “Doctor O’Malley just told me… I-I’m sorry, dad.”

            “She looked perfectly fine the last time we saw her. I don’t get it.” He shook his head, “I feel sorry for myself too, sport.”

            Glen hugged him. It’s been the same ever since he was a kid, even though they didn’t see each other for years.

            AJ hugged him back, his eyes closed as he tried to hold the emotions and the tears back.

            Nate ran pass them and straight into the room, “Ally! Ally! Please wake up! You gotta wake up!”

            Cubbie, especially, startled, as Nate suddenly came in crying. Serious shit just went down and he needs to do something. He can’t get mad at Nate, though. He’s actually okay with the reaction, but it’s just making it hard for everyone. He scooped Nate up away from her and locked him in his arms.

            Nate tried to wriggle free. Tears were flooding out of his eyes and he started screaming. Forget about growing up. He doesn’t want to grow up without her. “No! Let me go! I need to wake Ally up!”

            “Nate, buddy, you need to listen and understand. Some things work in a way that you don’t like at all, but we’re still going to have to face it. I don’t like it either, but we’re going to…” He stopped and realized that whatever he just said was plain bullshit.

            Daisy’s nightmare came true. She walked in at the sight of her papa with a frown and red eyes, followed by the word ‘go’ being repeated every time. So it’s true, she realized. She ran up to her papa and let her be picked up by him. She snuggled all over him, “It’s okay, papa. Ally said that you’re really strong and I know that she’s right.”

The Foster Kid (Part 10) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now