Reader x Zen

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This might contain spoilers~

"Shiny knight"

"Zen": Y/n, I am coming! Don't do anything and do not take a step outside the apartment without me!

"Zen": Oh, y/n..

"Zen": Wait for me, please!


You couldn' t see these messeges but you could only hear the phone vibrating now and then while you was paralysed, eyes filled with terror that were staring at the shattered glass spread upon the floor.
You were begging for it to be only a bad dream, a verý bad one but the voice that you was hearing seemed too real as it began to call for your attention.
Clear eyes were staring at you while a tear fell down from your cheek. That weirdo smiled at you and then approached you, walking trough the pieces of glass scattered all over the ground.

"How... could... you enter in!"
You cried out loud, shaking hands and veins full of adrenaline as the shock was reaching every tip of your body.

"Oh... sorry for that." The intruder said, pointing at the broken window. 《I had to. It' s the only place uncovered by those cams, you know?》

"What do you want from me?!" You asked crying as he moved faster towards you, shutting your mouth off with one of his hands.

"You dont have to worry. It may seems unpleasant to you but I am going to carry you to a better place where we will live happily. For... ever."

He said in a cheerful tone but all that you could thinking of was how you didn' t achieve your goals before.
You couldn' t be kidnapped like this! You were so far away from Zen and you hadn' t been able to say him what were your feelings for him, not yet.

Humidity began to get over your eyes as you begged and begged under the dangerous gaze of the white haired guy.

You did know that your place was wherever Zen wanted to stay. Forever, with him.
You shook your head and tried to push away the stranger but he wouldn' t let you go. With his tattooed arm he still had a firm grip on you and smiling he said: "Don't struggle. This will finish soon if you come with me. No stories..."

It was all Zen' s fault if you have been enjoying your time with the RFA members. You knew it.
When he began to open his heart and show you all these patterns of emotion, you knew that this feeling that was suffocating you was so natural that you didn' t bother yourself shaking it off from you. He was such an incredible man.
He had passion in his eyes and a giant heart. You saw that and he proved you that a lot of times.

All his joys were yours and all his struggles were your pain.

He worked a lot, mistreated by everyone, improved himself and you still didn' t have words for all his fierce force and his courage facing the cruel world.
You had to stay there for him. Even though he had always said that, you couldn' t help but think that he had really saved your life. He had enlightened your life, after all.

He was your hope and you were his encouragement.

And that was so complicated but at the same time... so naturally simple...

"Now we are going." Sung the kidnapper as he took a few steps with you in his hands.
You were about to try and oppose resistance when a forceful knock was heard by the two of you.

The strange guy stopped and questioned you if he was Seven. At first you wondered but then decided to escape from his grip, biting his hand.
As he move forward to catch you, you rushed towards the door and with a last sprint you managed to open it, pushing your body on the solid surface.

As you saw that surprised expression on Zen' s face, you fell onto him.
He catch you, gazing over your shoulders and, tightened the grip on you, noticed the intruder who, seeing the situation, made himself a way to escape and left without leaving any traces.

Zen tried to turn around to chase the guy but as you sensed it, you embraced him as tight as you could.

"No, Zen. Don't leave me again! It' s finished..."

You cried, drowning your face into his white jacket as he began to stroke your hair.

"No. I won't do it anymore. Sorry, y/n. I left you and see what happened!"

Then his grip became stronger than before and he lift your chin. You looked at his genuinely concerned crimson eyes as he came nearer.

"I Don' t want this to ever happen again. I promise you that I will never leave your side."
He said, a sad whisper trough your ear.

"You meant everything to me. What I will do with my carrier without you? How will I continue to act without my y/n? Since you joined me in my roller coaster-life I found in you the only certain thing. You make me wake up with a smile and I remember the warmth of your hand as scandals and bad things surround me. Every time. "


A little sound escaped from your mouth.
You were both overwhelmed by an intense feeling and both of you were wrapping onto  the other as one of you could possibly fly away.

"Please. Stay." He whispered, hanging his hand on your shoulder.

"I will."

You felt the pressure disappearing from your skin as he stood up. You looked at him who, with a soft smile, leaned down to you, pressing his lips with yours for a few sweet moments.

Then you departed from his kiss and stared at the wall after seeing an admiring smile on Zen' face who was contemplating your blushing face.

"Shall we go? We are going to stay at my place: I can' t allow anyone to touch you again. Tomorrow we will speak about this with the others but now you should rest. But I promise... I will protect you no matter what."

A giant smile appeared on your lips as you took his hand, going away from that dangerous nightmare and knowing that you would be safe under the protection of that charming prince of yours.

This was a lot more serious than the others XD I will continue writing something for the other characters. Poor guys...
I have just finished Zen' s route so... yay... the feelings -.-'
Uh uh~☆

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