Reader x random.

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I should have called this chapter... mmm. Reader x all, maybe? Lol. Nop.
You can ship yourselves with who you want @.@

"Common spaces"

"Ehy, you, put that cat down!"

You heard Zen screaming towards Jumin' s photo while Yoosung was sitting down in front of you.

"Y/n, how was that sweet?" He asked while taking another bite of the chocolate muffin he was holding. You nodded in satisfaction as a sniffing sound echoed trough the hall.

You turned your head at the near couch on which were sitting Jumin and Zen.

"Stop! I said stop! You, jerk, stop your corrupted feelings from turning me in a wax composition."

You heard Jumin making a curios sound before answering to Zen' s complaints; "The corruption you talk about must have caught your soul and forced you to hate these precoius creatures." He spoke calmly as usal while glancing at the photos he was showing to Zen.

"I. Am. Allergic. To your filthy animals." He cried while various sneezing were constantly interrupting his words.

"You are telling me that you are allergic to photos? How is it even possible?" Jumin asked serious and shook his head to return admiring those photos of his own.

You turned your head to Yoosung that was rolling his eyes at the two.

"I think this is the only way they can make a conversation." You smiled while stooding up.

"Cats cause me this reaction." Zen sniffed, "if you haven't understood it yet!"

"No, I can' t understand why you are running away from them. You should really refer yourself to a good doctor." Jumin said before turning his head at the entrance.

"You guys..." sighed Yoosung along with you.

"Why don' t we try to change subject?" Zen exhaled while closing his eyes.

"I would agree." Jaehee, who was observing the little argument between the two, suddenly spoke.

"No. I can' t definitely have a conversation with someone this narrow minded towards cats." He simply said before welcoming with a gaze the red haired boy who was entering the hall.

"Y/n... it seems that you are the only one I can speak with. Have a seat next to me." He suggested and gave to you his photos. You smiled while staring at that compilation of cats, followed eventually by the gaze of Jumin who commented the images you were observing.

"Oh... that' s what there was in those piles of documents you asked me to bring you yesterday..." Jaehee realized as her stare went again down on Jumin.

"Yes, I wanted the important material all together." He said while staring at the photo of two soft and white cat's pawns

"This is beauty." He exclamated with a relaxed smile on his face.

"I can pay for one of them or maybe you want to offer an exchange?" Suddenly a voice spoke from behind you.

You turned to see Seven' s eyes fixed on the white sleepy cat trapped in the photo you were holding.

"Can' t you find some photos by yourself? I didn' t know that hackers couldn't do normal stuff on their computers. Go and search for them." Jumin said, not giving even a glance at his interlocutor.

"But I want them now!" Seven said with an happy voice.

"Jumin, share with this person your illness. I still don' t know why you always kick Seven out because I really think that you two would be able to talk happily together about your sickness. Sharing this insane passion with someone would be the best for the both of you." Zen spoke while taking side with Jaehee who nodded in agreement.

"It wouldn' be a bad idea! Jumin, we can found a community!" Seven exclamated but Jumin shook his head, telling that his only true love couldn' t been shared with anyone.

"Seven, could you be so kind to taste one of the sweets that Yoosung made? Surely they can' t taste heavenly like your chips, but Yoosung is hoping to receive some comments."

You glanced at Yoosung who smiled content as Seven made his way to pick a sweet.

"I will try it but make sure you know that I am the worst critic of the world." He added before taking a bite of the pastry.

Yoosung sighed as Seven gave him a weird look. The three of you stood still for one minute of tension in which Seven made several weird and thoughtful expressions.

"So?" Yoosung asked with a worried look.

"Y/n, I am not pleased to tell you that Yoosung has failed the quest." He said, gaining a lost expression from the blonde. "Yoosung, boy, you haven' t failed and that' s your failure. Compliments!"

He spoke while Yoosung began to breathe again.

"You are going to be the best pastries maker of all the RFA. Your mother would be so proud of you."

Yoosung chuckled before receiving the "winner pat" on his head by Seven.

"And you are the best judge." You laughed as Seven came next to you.

"Should I give a pat to you too for being able to realize it? There' s nothing I can' t go trough."

You were about to answer when a disperate and sneezing voice called your name.

"Y/n! The contest is over, come and save me!" Zen said while Jumin was shaking again his head.

"You two, separate yourselves." You said chuckling before coming near to Zen.

You caressed his head and he hugged you.

"Those cats are suffocating me." He complained, making you laugh.

"Oh... I know; it' s the dictator Jumin the "jerk", who is using his feline powers to attack you... don' t cry my baby." You acted, making Zen smile.

"Yeah... I feel good embracing you." he realized making you chuckle before escaping from his grip.

You reached Jaehee who was sitting on the same large couch of her boss.

"Jaehee, you are stil alive; tell Zen your secrets to survive the cat fur ball's power." You asked and she sighed.

"Well... I always survive but my clothes don' t. I would be grateful if someone discovered the solution of this problem." You smiled before turning your head to Seven who was speaking.

"I, Seven Zero Seven, as the defender of justice, will find the solution of that unsolved case. Just wait."

"If you do, I think they will make sure to give you some of those cat photos." You said, turning your head to reach Jumin' s gaze.

"No, don' t touch them." He said vigorously, causing Zen to sigh.


I know... this isn' t about him but I just couldn' t.

He and his fellow brother argiving me an hard time... wiith that damned route. T_T

I just can' t T_T crycrycrycry~
Nop I won' t cry~☆

Uhhh. Another thing!! I will start school tomorrow *sigh* so I won' t be able to update every day.

This plus that route are making me feel sooo damn upset. Ahahhaha ahah ah ah a h. H. A. Aha. Ahia.

*weird look on her face* I am preparing myself to exit my cutie little room. @.@ bye~☆

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