Reader x 707

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"Kitty love"

-I will protect the world from every type of injustice! Come at me, villains!

"Jaehee Kang": What is happening here? -.-

"Y/n" has entered the chat.

"707": Y/n!

"Jaehee Kang": Y/n, Help. ME.

"Y/n": mmm

"Y/n": Defender of justice 707, go and catch those villains! Make the world a better place!

"707": I willll!

"Jaehee Kang": I have no words to express what I am feeling.

"707": Are you amazed by this great aim?

"Y/n": Ya, you should

"707": Ya, you must be truly amazed~

"Jaehee Kang": I...

"Jaehee Kang": find this very useless.

"707": Have you any guilts that are making you say that?

"Jaehee Kang": I don' t think -.-'

"707": No? Rethink of that while praying to the great God!

"Jaehee Kang": Is this even necessary?

"Y/n": It is fundamental; pray to God Seven while holding a cross.

"707": yo, it will help you clearing your ideas.

"Jaehee Kang": I think my ideas went on the bad side of my brain while I was listening to you two.

"Y/n": See? That's working.

"707": Honestly...

To clear the world from pain I have to start from the minds of its inhabitants~
And thats what I am doing. You should all thank me.

"Y/n": Thank, great Seven.

"707":  ^-^ mh mh mh

"Jaehee Kang": -.-

"Jaehee Kang": Where is Yoosung when I need him...

"Y/n": He went to pray~

"Jaehee Kang": Suuree...

"707": Definitely.

"707": But!

"707" I have to gooo @.@

"Y/n": Work?

"707": Negative:; I' ve heard meowing!

"Jaehee Kang": This is what happens praying to God Seven.

"707": There are some kittens near the principal door!

"Y/n": ... Go and catch them all, 707!

"707": Yaaaaa!

"707" has left the chat.

"Jaehee Kang": ...

"707" has entered the chat.

"707": Byee~

"707" has left the chat.

"Jaehee Kang" ...

"Jaehee Kang": Is he gone? Is he really gone?...

"Jaehee Kang": He is gone... poor kittens -.-'

"Y/n": Cheer up! There are those cameras. They will find him if he harasses one of them~

"Jaehee Kang": So... comforting.

"Y/n": ^-^

"Jaehee Kang": You two are really impossible -.-'

"Y/n": Thanks~

"Jaehee Kang": Wow... Now I think that Zen should stop flirting with you.

"Jaehee Kang": Oh well... actually it's not a bad thing...

"Jaehee Kang": At all... mh mh~

"Y/n": Umm, Jaehee?

"Jaehee Kang": Actually its a wonderful thing! Thanks, you two.


"Y/n": O.m.G.

"Jumin Han" has entered the chat

"Jumin Han": Jaehee, I need your back here. There is a lot of work to do.

"Jaehee Kang:": Sure.

"Jumin Han": CALL. ME. We have a schedule to respect.

"Jaehee Kang": Bye, y/n.

"Jumin Han": I NEED to finish this damned work and return to my Elizabeth! My lovely, lonely Elizabeth~

"Jumin Han" has left the chat

"Jaehee Kang": -.-'

"Jaehee Kang" has left the chat.

"Y/n": Omg... Crisis.

"Y/n" has left the chat.

You turned off the phone and decided to take a shower and maybe go eat something.
You went in the kitchen and, staring at the room for an infinite period of time, you grabbed your phone as your hair rested on a towel which was surrounding your shoulders.

You turned on the phone and decided to order some pizza since there wasn' t anything left in the apartment. After calling and leaving your address(*), you noticed that there were some messages unanswered from Seven.

You opened the private conversation and you saw a photo of Seven with three nice kittens.

You couldn't help yourself but smile at that adorable picture where Seven was embracing the white little cat, caressing it on the head as the other two were surrounding him, meowing at his direction.

You texted him without thinking too much as your smile wasn' t faded away yet.

"Y/n": So adorable!

"Y/n": But I can' t decide who is the cutest there

After sending him your comment, you went to check from the window if your order was arrived.
Somewhat you lost yourself gazing at the blue sky while hundreds of specific thoughts were embracing you tightly as your lips curved into another happy smile.

Suddenly a vibrating sound echoed in the small room, interrupting your graceful thought.
You reached for the phone only to see an answer from Luciel.

"707": I knew it!~

You continued smiling to yourself, pressing your fingers on the screen as the conversation went casual and casual, or random, as the time passed.

(*) A.N: I wonder... every time the guys ask me if I have eaten, I think about it. And think about it.
And think




No, seriously... What can I eat if the apartment was abandoned and no one can know the address?
I thought that y/n could make an exception for the guy who delivers pizza cause............

The question is always the same: what does y/n eat?!

We don' t really know~
Is she starving?

Zen: Did you eat?

Y/n: Sureee~ I have been eating pizza and take away food for eleven days but! Don' t worry! I have eaten ^.•

Zen: Thats my girl!~~ u.u

Nop nop nop. Stop!
I ' ve realize it.
She CAN exit.
My feelings.
Well... that makes much more sense @.@

I knew that Seven' s route would reveal these important matters. XD

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