Reader x Jaehee

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"Sweet honey"

You entered the modern apartment after answering to the feeble voice that reached you from the doorphone. After taking a few steps inside, you found yourself welcomed by a calming and neat atmosphere, irradiated by the perfectly clean pavement and the relaxing colours of the furniture.

You continued on your way until you spotted a dark figure laid on the beige couch.


You made the figure aware of your presence and went nearer to it.
As you left your jacket on the free spot of the couch, the wrapped figure thrown its cap down on the floor.

"Oh... hi, Jaehee. Oh my, you are so pale!" You said as your smile faded away while you stared at the tired looking woman.

"I don' t feel very well."  She pouted, taking a deep breath. "You did really come, y/n. For me..."

You sitted next to her as you pressed your hand on Jaehee' s forehead to check her temperature.

"This morning Jumin told me that you didn' t come at work so I worried because... you know; you aren' t the tipe to skip work for the slightest thing."

Jaehee smiled softly, taking the balnket you were handing her.

"Y/n, thanks. I really appreciate it. You are so nice and generous.."

"And you are too diligent. That jerk of your boss should give you some break or, at least, some time to breath."
You said with an irritated look as Jaehee sighed another time.

"That' s the work of an enmployee."

You shook your head as she continued to speak.

"And that wasn' t even Jumin' s fault. I commited a mistake."

You stared at her with curiosity.

"I don' t believe you."  You said after shaking another time your head. "You are allowed to say that this jerk of a trust fund kid is overwhelming you with work. I should speak to him."

At this suddenly complaint, Jaehee stood up a little with an upset expression on her pale face.

"No, Y/n. Yesterday I was so heavy minded that I forgot to close the door and Elizabeth 3rd escaped. I had to run after her for a while before I managed to catch her. Unfortunately it was raining and the air was humid, so we both got wet. This, plus the stress, caused my sickness."

She explained while resting her head on the couch, gaining another complaint from you.

"That jerk... he left another time that thing here?! I should really speak to him the next time! How could he not see how stressed you are? Not only at work but even here, at your place!"

"Y/n, please... lower your voice. My head is burning." She said softly.

"Oh... sorry." You smiled, making as she ordered and stood up, facing her.

"But I really hope that his fur ball will get kidnapped or... that will get suffocated by one of her own special snack..."

"Please... Jumin wouldn' t be so happy about this." She commented, sighing again.

"Yeah... maybe that' s too mean. I will give Elizabeth to Luciel." You said, looking around to draw your future itinerary to the kitchen.

"That's even worse." Jaehee said while she was wondering about what you were going to do.

You returned to face her and told her to wait and rest for a while.
As she nodded and closed her eyes, you approached your destination and turned on the lights to discover a really nice and tidy kitchen with a large table in its centre; that was perfect to actuate your plan.

"Let's see what we have here~" You sung while walking towards the white fridge.
You turned around exasperate and talked nervously to yourself: "This is as useless and empty as Elizabeth! - I suppose that she is so busy polishing the shoes of that jerk that she hasn' t even the time to do a decent shopping..." You continued murmuring to yourself as you decided to take one bottle of milk from that empty icy void.

You closed the fridge with an "humf" sound and poured the liquid in one solid recipient. After putting the pot above the hot flame, you went to the living room to check Jaehee.

Seeing that she was peacefully resting, you smiled and returned to your position.

You stayed there with the milk under your firm gaze until it began to boil.
You turned off the flame and decided to put in there some honey. Then, you left the kitchen with that cup of hot milk and called softly Jaehee' s name. You retried to call her but as you saw her closed eyes and her bright cheeks, you decided to put down the cup on the table and you began istinctively to stare at her. You smiled as you continued to admire her cute face and then, suddenly, you made your way to strike her warm cheek.

You rushed gently your finger mong her short hair before going to get a pen with which you wrote on a little colorful post-it and left it on the table, near the cup. You smiled another time to the sleeping girl as you left the house with the jacket in your hands.

You had just left when the girl opened suddenly her eyes and then began to stare at the door and then at the table.
She bend over the table and picked the little written ticket with one hand as the other reached for the warm cup.

"I left to get something healthy to eat. See you soon. Heart." She read as a smile spread across her lips.
"As noisy as usual. " She said, taking a sip of the sweet milk.


Actually... I like her very much but before I didn' t even realize that she was a she...



I expected she to be an "he" but then "he"started fangirling over Zen and I was like..."What?! Are you drunk or you aren' t enough straight to date me?

But then Jumin spoke about "her", sooo yey the shocking news reached me but lol isn' t she adorable? ^-^

Ahem the next one will be about Yoosung~ and then I will randomly write again about the others XD

P.S The poor Elizabeth is scared. Jumin! Come and pick her up! Or... pack her. @.@

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