Reader x Jumin

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"Tea or coffe?"

The air was circling right, the light was a feeble, relaxing  beam of artificial waves and the little talk you were having was as enjoyable as ever.
But something was ready to set itself on fire.
You didn' t know why but the room was becoming more and more dense of a guilty and unexplainable tension as the slow inexorable time was passing away, torturing you with his frames.

You were sitting in front of the man who you were talking with.
His lips were slowly moving as his eyes were almost scannering you. You followed those grey orbs as intense as a burning flame while you departed yourself from the speech Jumin was giving you.

"Y/n..." he spoke sweetly at a certain point when he noticed your assorted gaze.

"Um yes?" Your voice sounded slightly altered as your cheeks were colored of a deep shade of blush which he could  notice immediately.

"I was offering you a cup of tea but I have to repeat the question... do you want tea, coffe or me?

His seductively low voice worsened the blush you had gained on your face. That made you nearly choke as your hands went on your laps.

"If you want me to be honest then..." you thought and ended up fantasising with your own ideas while your eyes were  insistently laid on him. You observed his allusive lips, his intense eyes and his expression. His hands were laid on the table, making you wish to be under them.
Since when he had all that tempting aura around him?
You wondered while you sensed a tremor wrapping on your skin.
His eyes were still on you, a slight smile on his face and you decided.

"I would' t mind having you." You spoke slightly embarassed but not denying what your real feelings were and, along with them, your desires.

He didn' t seem displeased at all by your demand and smirked.

"Do you dare to came here?" He suggested, wanting you to sit on his lap.

As you reached his body, he gestured you to sit down. You obeyed slowly and felt his warmth under your clothes as his hands grabbed gently your waist. You were turned towards the other part so you could only imagine his expression while his hands kept their hold on your skin, gently blocking you in that position. You felt his body approaching yours as his breath tickled your skin. His lips were soflty touching your neck while one murmur after the other escaped from them as your body was entering its hot phase. 
Your blood made his way trough your cheeks as your heart began to beat faster under his embrace.

His lips were moving on your neck, tickling, caressing and even biting. Spot after spot, nothing was left uncovered by him as his hot torture was blinding you. He sweetly bite one precise point of your skin, causing you to tilt your head, filled with instantaneous and pulsing pleasure.
In response he grab soflty your shoulder with one hand, supporting your body while the other ran slowly up to the base of your neck. His fingers caressed the area, pressing and massaging, teasingly going up and then down again.
You closed your eyes as his soft bite made you tilt your head at the ceiling, murmuring his name.

His hands were still firm on you as your body was shaking with impatience and desire. You laid down on him, sensing his chest supporting your back as his breath was becoming irregular as well.

"Should we go to the other room?" His whisper echoed seductively in your ears as you nodded in response.

His arms were still wrapped onto you as you stood up, followed by his attached body.

You slowly entered the bedroom and continued your make out session.
He tossed gently you on the bed and reached your laid body. He leaned down to your skin once again and tortured it before retuning upper to caress your lips. He penetrated and reached for your tongue to start a passionate and flaming kiss. You felt his hands running trough your hair as his kiss was transporting you directly to Hell.
He felt too good for you both and this prevented you from stopping yourselves as your eyes were fallen one into the gaze of the other.

His hands continued to trail their own way onto your body and his lips were continuing to caress and bite you.
You moaned and moved your hands to his suit and tried to unfold his clothes while his fingers were caressing your cheeks, then you helped him to take off his clothes before he could do anything else.
His fingers began to move down, caressing the piece of clothing that was covering your breast as his lips attached to yours once again.

He nuzzled his face against your naked skin, going down and then returning upper until he met your lips. After a long, shaking kiss, his body departed slightly form yours.
His hands went down to his lower body as you were observing his grey eyes.
An overflowing river of emotions and sensations ran across your body, making you melt in your flames.

"Jumin, love... I want you so badly." You soflty smiled before closing your eyes as his body entered yours with force.

After his body penetrated you fully, he whispered few words.

"Y/n... I will bring you satisfaction. Tonight I won' t withdrawn myself."

Your arms went around his neck as he began to move. You closed your eyes, sensing those pleasurable and forceful thrusts and the rhythmic sound that the bed was making under you.
The tremor was inevitable as his body was stroking harder and faster your tight, reaching for that exact point, exiting and trespassing you. Your deepest point was being touched, pushed, tortured as the highest level of trembling and adrenalinic pleasure stroke the minds of you.
The veins pulsed and pulsed as his body continued to push and pull, harder, faster, without any hesitations as your breathing could be easilu heard.

Your blurred eyes reached his own as a last drop made overflow the river. The banks broke down as the pleasure took its dominance over you.

You felt your irregular heartbeat as your numb body was pulsing under Jumin.
You smiled at him and just embraced him as he laid next to you on those scattered blankets.
Your eyes closed satisfactorily as your body mantained that hot contact with him. You  could feel only an immense peace around you while Jumin' s hands were sweetly caressing your hair until he pulled you closer to him and embraced you before giving you a soft kiss.
You smiled and returned the kiss as you let your body flow on that dreamlike situation while the warmth of your lover comforted you trough it all.

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