Reader x Luciel

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I have realised that when I used sudden flashbacks in the previous chapters, it turned out being not so clear o.O Maybe I made them way too implicit XD so this time... I' ll point out that the lines which separate the chapter are changes in the pov (the first one) and then changes in the time -> time skip~

"Memories or struggles"

"I am leaving."

"Where are you going now?"

"Shh. Secret."

The red haired figure disappeared from the fellow' s eyesight who sighed as he was used to that.


You grabbed the bag before turning the corner of your mastodontic house. And there he was: Jumin, your precious husband in suit. You spotted the white fur of Elizabeth and came nearer to caress it, gaining some lazy noises from the cat you had learned to consider a member of your family.
You smiled at your companion before showing him your bag.

"Love, I want to go out for some fresh air."

"Right. Where are you planning to go? Not too far I hope." He calmly said, continuing to caress the fur of his pet.

"Don' t worry;" you smiled and gently tapped his arm, "I am going to the usual place."
He nodded and so you received his approval. You turned around and headed to the hall before stopping your tracks in the middle way to call for him.

"Love, could you look at the children?"
You headed forward when you heard an affermative answer from him and opened the door to leave the house.

You covered yourself with your jacket and just went ahead, walking and breathing deeply the fresh air. You hadn' t passed a lot of time outside your home since when your little kids arrived; you still had to dissipate that heavy feeling of stress and strictness that the situation had surrounded you with.

Finally you could go and relax all by yourself, gaining a little time to escape that apartment.
That apartement which wasn' t exactly an apartment... You chuckled and stepped forward, realising that there was a lonely figure on the bench you used to sit on before you received the revolutionary news.

It had always been a dead place for the citizens; like... no one used to spend its time there, especially in winter and especially in your isolated, hidden bench.
But you realised that the figure wasn' t an unknown one.

You continued to observe that fiery, noticeable color of hair until you decided to make him aware of your presence.

"Sir, I am not-so-pleased to see that you have occupied my bench." You said in a light-hearted and jokingly manner to only met a pair of golden eyes filled with surprise.

"Oh... that voice." The familiar guy spoke and then fixed his eyes on yours.
He did seem a little bit different. Maybe it was the result of your imagination which kept tricking you; it had passed a lot of time since you saw him the last time. Jumin had capitalised your existence. But in  a good way, you thought.

"Oh, Y/n... yeah, that' s a lot of time." He nodded before following your body as it moved and took a seat next to him.

"I know, even though it didn' t seem a lot to me. You know: a lot of things happened." You soflty smiled, looking far away in the mist.

"Agreed." He said with his unfamilar way of staring completely pointed at the no where.
He was surely assorted in something though you couldn' t imagine anything at all. You had distanciated yourself a little from the other members and only now you were starting to notice that, feeling displeased and guilty because of some strange waves of reminder feelings.

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