Reader x Jumin Han

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"The most attractive lady"

The black haired man was staring at an undefined point, nodding his head at the young lady who was sitting in front of him.

"Mr. Han! Do you mind if we take a few steps in the garden? I' d like to hear your opinion about something."
Said the girl with an energetic voice, waiting for his answer.

"Sure. Shall we go?"

The two stood up and began to walk along the path trailed on the grassy ground.
The sun was glowing intensely and no cloud was there to be seen. The rays of light were enlightening every blade of grass which had grown neatly among the soil.

It seemed to be a beautiful day to the lady who was walking happily along the man'  side, trying to not waste the occasion and keep alive the conversation.

They spoke about frivolous matters for a few minutes until the silence surrounded the atmosphere; all those nonsense talks were putting Jumin in difficulty. As soon as the girl noticed that the guy was putting his attention on the ground instead of concentrating on her, she stopped walking and glared at him.

"Umm I was wondering..." the girl spoke. "Who is the most beautiful girl in your opinion?"

Jumin didn' t loose his calm as he decided to follow the etiquette and please the lady.

"That's an odd question...  if you want to know, I think that you are very beautiful." He said with his cold tone, glaring at her sky colorful eyes and long blonde hair. She smiled, coming nearer to the man.

"The most beautiful?"  She continued smiling with a bit of malice on her thin and pink lips.

"I don' t truly now if you are the most attractive woman but I find you very beautiful, my lady."

The girl stopped smilig, reducing the distance and starting to whisper seductively to  the man who, cold as always, stood still.

"And... who is the most attractive woman in your opinion?" She said, biting her lower lip as Jumin started to stiff a bit.

"If I tell you... I think that we won't be able to talk again as before." He answered, glaring coldly at the woman.

"I have found truly attractive only one woman in my life and that woman is the one who has captivated me with her words."

The unsatisfied woman began to question Jumin, overwhelmed by curiosity.
"Oh..." she said, putting a hand on her mouth. "And... is she richer that you?"

He shook his head.
"I' ll tell you that what she materially own isn' t nothing compared to what I own. But if she shares with me what she has, we will become the richest people in the world."
He said, trying to give the right hint at the persistent woman.

"... and... can I ask you who she is?"
Asked surprised the woman as a cold wind began to blow among them.

"Obviously. After all I can' t refuse to feed the curiosity of the lady who has so gently open her door at me."

The lady nodded and began to return backwards.

"Yes, that was for affairs... now, can I get to know the identity of this so unique girl?"

"It' simply y/n"

He closed his eyes for a moment as the girl began to say loudly some of the  names of her acquaintances.

"Why can' t I remember her?"  She said worried.

"Because you, my lady, don' t know her."

"She isn' t an high society woman, is she?"

The lady stiffened, looking at Jumin who shook his head.

"No but I ensure you that I have only to gain with her at my side and now, if you want to excuse me, I' ll get going. It was a beautiful day, as beautiful as you. I hope we will be able to meet again to discuss about those affairs. It was an interesting proposal, I will think about it."

Jumin left after making a reverence and began to walk, leaving the girl surrounded by thoughts, to reach his driver.

"Can we go, Mr. Han?"
The driver said, trying to no not make evident the fact that he was suffering from the hot weather, and gathered his superior.

"Sure. It took me more time then what we had expected..."
The driver nodded as they began to leave the huge mansion behind them.

He couldn' t help but rethink again about the unusual conversation he had with the noblewoman and as a little smile crossed his lip, he took his phone from the pocket of his elegant dark suit.

"Jumin Han" has entered the chat.

"Jaehee Kang": Mr. Han, how was your flight?

"Jumin Han": I am fine, thanks. I am returning home.

"Jaehee Kang": Finally.

"Jumin Han": Why did you say that? Anyway... how is doing my Elizabeth?

"Jaehee Kang": She is fine... though I can' t say the same about my couch...

"Jumin Han": ♡ I' m happy to hear that ^-^

"Jaehee Kang": Yes.... -.-'

"Y/n" has entered the chat.

"Jumin Han": I can' t wait to enter home.

"Jumin Han": Y/n

"Y/n": Evening Jaehee~ Jumin, how was your meeting?

"Jumin Han": I guess it didn' t go so bad. At least for the affair matter.

"Jaehee Kang": What else did happen?

"Jumin Han": Nothing new; I had to keep calm some women during my meeting.

"Y/n": o.o

"Jumin Han": And I managed to do it, as always~

"Jaehee Kang:": I don' t know how and why women try to approach you yet...

"Jumin Han": Why did you say that? It' s a reasonable and natural thing that when ladies see an handsome and talented man like me, they try to get in his grace. Naturally I have  to behave good and support them, giving some compliments when they want to listen them.

"Jumin Han": ^-^

"Y/n": So... you did have fun.

"Jumin Han": Fun? I am not supposed to have fun during business meeting.

"Jumin Han": I want to return home more badly then before.

"Y/n": Why?

"Jumin Han": Guess, Y/n~


Driver Kim kept driving as a flash captured him from the rear view: Jumin was happily smiling while chatting.

"Jumin Han": I have to go: we are almost arrived. Jaehee, I am picking my Elizabeth 3rd.

"Jaehee Kang": Yes, finally.

"Y/n": Bye Jumin :)

"Jumin Han": I hope you will pass a good evening, y/n


"Jumin Han" has left the chat.

"Jaehee Kang": Woa...

"Y/n": Isn' t he happy? ^-^

"Jaehee Kang": Indeed... Now, excuse me, I have to catch Elizabeth and wait for Mr. Han to come. -.-' Talk to you later.

"Y/n": Sure~

"Jaehee Kang": ^-^

"Jaehee Kang" has left the chat

"Y/n" has left the chat.

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