Reader x 707

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"Go away"

Warning; this short thing over here may contain spoilers but actually I don' t really now XD

I started from a screenshot found on internet *Don' t read it if you don' t want to be spoilered*. It said something like: 707: You like the one with who you talked in chat, not the real me.
And I use my "great" imagination to write an angst about that.
Repeat: I don' t know if this contains a lot of spoliers because I haven' t finished his route yet. (Fortunately *-*)  I love to be spoilered... but I didn' t go too far with him because I am curios and he is a man of secrets, it would be impolite revealing them trough sopilers ☆¿☆

"No! You should listen!"

You shouted as he stepped backwards, more emotionally shaken than before.

"I' ve aleady told you to go!"

That was his turn to shout, so you decided to lower your voice or the both of you would become deaf.

"You can' t go on like this, only by yourself, excluding everyone from your life."

"Y/n! You don' t even know me; I am not that happy in real life. My life isn' t that joyful. Take your time to realise it that and go!"

He shouted while sitting down at the table to hold his head with his hands. You stepped forward to come nearer to  him.

"Yes, I' ve already seen how you are in real life..." you whispered while he grabbed his red hair.

"Go ahead, tell me what you have seen!"

He bursted out with that broken voice making you bite your lower lip as a forceful icy blow penetrated your heart.

"I' ve seen so much..." you whispered as your words stroke deadly the air. "All this time I' ve seen... a lot of generosity. You want to protect everyone in your life at the point that you are rejecting who wants to help you, so badly."

Your eyes saddened when they met his crooked expression.

"I' ve my reasons. You have to go away, away from me! You have to run away until you won't be able to even see me!" He cried out as a limpid drop of water made its way trough his face, catching your attention.

"You aren' t just kicking people out of your life! You are transporting them away from the human being you are. Hiding your fears won't help you." You exclamated, leaning down towards him. You put your hands on the table, standing still with your tensed body. In response he shook his head, continuing to stare at your fiery eyes.

"That' s it! You are an human being. Consequence? You have fears and regrets in your brain."

You tried to convince him, gaining a soft whisper from him.

"Y/n..." he said sadly as another tear began to slip down.

"No, Luciel, you can' t go on with this forever... I, I have my fears too! One of them is imagining how you will reject me, refuse to open you heart to me, refuse to stay with me and then... kick me out." "You need someone to face this. You should think about it."

"I won' t make you drown with this. Let me be alone." He replied.

You shook forcefully your head as your hands hit the table causing a violent sound.

"You are such an egoistic... I can' t go alone like this!" You shouted, breathing heavily, "like this! Without you..." you allowed yourself to let go a tear from your humid eyes as Luciel stared at you, surprise and sorrow mixed together.

"Can' t you see that I am breaking down?!Falling apart trying to protect you?!"  You cried out, causing Luciel to lower his voice.

"Y/n, that' s exactly why I can' t let you enter my life."

"No! Well... forget that "that' s why". That's the reason why we are going to drown together; I can' t let you go. Don' t be a jerk, you aren' t like this."

You bursted out as your cheeks began to get wetter and wetter.
Your words were sticking themselves in the head of both of you.


You told him to stay silent as you stepped backwards.

"Tell me... no, promise me that you will make the right choice." You whispered as you continued to go towards the door, facing Luciel as you made your way trough the room.
Standing on the exit, you shivered as you sensed his golden eyes filled with all that sufferance staring at you.


You shouted a last time before exiting and closing the door behind you. You ran as fast as you could with fog in your blind sight, reaching for a distant place.

Luciel turned around; the image of you leaving his place was passing by the screen of his monitor, deadly fixed in his head.

You had shaken his existence too much in his opinion.
Tears began to flow down again from his eyes as he stared blankly at the ceiling.


A.N: I have tried, okay? Ahah I am not good at writing angst especially when I am in a good mood ¥. ¥
Maybe I will retry writing sad stuff some other day. But not today, no, today... I won' t die @.@

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