Reader x Choi

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Here we go.
Please, notice that this my very first lemon. I' ve tried~
But... it' s hella perverted in my opinion sooo if you are into this sort of things (eheh @.@) go ahed and... have mercy on me- if among your relatives there are some archangels, plz, don' t sign me in your black list-

"Chilling with a glass of lemonade"

You felt a warm hand pushing your body from the place where before was standing Luciel. You couldn' t question any longer nor you could restrain yourself from falling on the guy who had been sitting on the couch since that afternoon. You knew from the very first moment of that morning that Luciel had been planning mischievously to do something with that grin of his own and the sparkling glint in his bright eyes. But certainly you couldn' t guess what it was due to his umpredictable behaviour, until you discovered it by yourself.

You found yourself landing on Saeran' s lap while his brother threatened you with his hand. You looked at Saeran who was staring at you with those clear eyes filled with embarrassment as he noticed your inconvenient position.

"Seven, what are you doing?" You yelled embarrassed only to gain an amused chuckle from him. You gave Saeran a displeased glance as you started to move but it was too late when you noticed that Saeran' s eyes had began to wander around one exact spot.

You gasped and tried to move away while you could but Seven' s hands were still firmly holding your back, trapping you with Saeran. You felt that intense heat coming up to warm your face as Saeran stayed there immobile, with an embarassed and confused look.

"Sorry Saeran!" You cried out before turning your flustered face at Seven.

"Let me go, you, pervert!"

He shook his head in response as a smirk appeared on his face: "No Y/n, look at what you' ve done; now you should fix it." He smiled another time as you turned your head at Saeran, moving during the sudden process. Suddenly Saeran called your name with a rotten and complaining voice.

You looked at him as you clearly felt something pressing against your skin. Your eyes opened wide and you continued to stare at those innocent clear eyes now filled with an uncomfortable desire. You couldn' t believe that and yelled at Seven.

"Look at what you have done!" You moved to face Seven, gaining an unexpected sound from Saeran.
You gasped as Seven was smiling again: "Y/n... you should fix the thing you broke." He commented with satisfaction.

"Fix it yourself! I have done nothing wrong! If it weren' t for you..." you cried out staying still in that position, between the white haired flustered guy and his hyped mischievous twin.

"But he is my brother." He complained making you turn your head to face Saeran who was sitting there more uncomfortable than ever.
You just couldn' t tell that they were twins at all, you though while rolling your eyes.

You tried to move and complained but Seven' s grip gently tightened on you to push your body towards Saeran' s one.  That sudden contact made you blush while Saeran bit his lips.

"Y/n..." Luciel sung while his hands went down on you, provoking you to murmur softly. You automatically closed your eyes, sensing the contorted moves Luciel was doing on you and ended with giving up at those attentions.

"Not while I am here! What are you two doing?!" Saeran complained, looking at you who were laid on him, at Seven who was maliciously touching you and then at his trousers where an irregular shape could be seen.

"You are making me uncomfortable." He cried out to suddenly bite his lip when you left escape a loud moan caused by the warm and able hands of your red haired boyfriend.

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