Reader x Choi

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From tomorrow I will start to write the oneshots you have requested. Be patient though: it will take me one week at least to finish them.
I think I will update again in three, two days
So... this is a little oneshot to break the waiting time~

"Like a family"

You reached the door as you noticed a dark figure standing in the garden.
That was a cold and windy evening, you realize after seeing the leaves moved by the icy breeze, so you decided to bring with you a sweater and left the entrance.

As you exited, your hair began to move uncontrollably while your skin started to sense the hostile weather among itself.
Firslty you said to yourself that a little wind couldn' t harm you, then you walked slowly towards the man; his clear hair were all shaken by the wind while his gaze rested fixed on the ground. You stood there for a while before sitting next to him with your arms crossed.

It took him a while to notice your presence and, as his response wasn' t arriving, you spoke firstly, pronouncing softly his name.


You glanced at him, waiting for an answer that didn' t come.

"It' s... cold out there. Please, take this."

You handed him the sweater you had previously took and waited again for his reaction. You sighed with your arm stretched towards him, expecting him to do something. You changed postion again and again before managing to gain a chuckle from him.


He began to question something but the wind was too strong for his words to reach you.


"I said" he spoke, a hint of irritation was heard by you, "why?"

He lifted his head to make a provisional and unstable eye contact, characterised by those clear eyes as cold as always.

"Why are you doing this?" He said, making you tilt your head with a confused look.


He groaned before returning to face insistently the ground; "Why are you helping me? Why are you nice to me?" He finished annoyed.

"Well..." you answered, laying down the shirt on his shoulders.

"What?" He suddenly shivered and distanced physically himself from your hand.
"Don' t touch." He groaned another time before continuing to speak again from where you had interrupted.

"Do you want to tell me that you are doing this with good intentions when all I did was using you; you and all your friends?"
You shook lightly your head while listening to him.
"Because I did that. I obviously wanted to ruin your life." He finished with a serious and convincing tone while you were shivering from the cold.

"I...I know that." "But" another shiver crossed your body before you tried to regain your voice: "I know you had your reasons since... you were been used too." You spoke while moving your hands to warm them. "I mean" you suddenly interrupted yourself. "Sorry..."
Your gaze went down on the ground as you heard him chuckling before turning again at you.

"Well done y/n, that' s the reality. Now I' ve figured out that everyone had used me."
You caught a sudden glint of a deep and sharp sadness in those mint eyes before he turned to face the soil.

"No..." you murmured.

"I have passed my life being mistreated and used by everyone. Everytime, everywhere I found some lights, I discovered that those were artificial ones. I' ve been sorrounded with falsity. Everywhere, everytime. Put in the dark by everyone." He lowered gradually his voice so that you decided to come nearer to him

"No... now it' s different." You said while your fingers laid down on his shoulders.

"Don't." He protested slapping fast your hand with a light gesture.

"I ensure you that I won' t use you. Your brother won' t use you."

He shook his head another time.
"You know how hard he had searched for you? How he was disperate at the though of you being lost? I' ve seen his deep pain for not being able to protect you."

"And you?! Are you doing this for Saeyoung' s sake? If yes, please, stop it; now he is not here."

You took your turn to protest: "that' s not the matter! Even if I got to know you thanks to your brother, nothing will stop me from wanting to know you by myself. You are definitely part of Saeyoung' s life and so I am. I want to let you know that if you want some help, I' ll be here as a part of your family or a friend, if you want..." you explaned.

"Like a mother? I don' t need you." He said hesitantly.

"That' s not what I meant."

He chuckled before continuing to suggest things; "As a sister?"

You shook your head and cough.
"No! Actually... I think that the best thing is being a friend."  You smiled embarassed while he tilted his head at you.

"Will you?"
You nodded and came closer to him.
"I promise that we will be here. Your brother and me. Together."

"Will you like me though?" He asked as his gaze went finally on you.

"Didn' t Saeyoung say that twins are complementar parts of the same soul?" You asked as he murmured a few words of consensus.

"More or less..."

"Then I don' t get why I wouldn' t like you"
You smiled and came closer and closer to finally stretching your arms to embrace him. He watched intently as you were slowly advancing towards him and made a weird expression, pulling himself away from you.

"You do really want to touch me?!" He pouted as you give him a displeased smile of apology.


He sighed and began to stare at you as your trembling intensified.

"You are shaking... go inside." He said to you before pointing slowly his gaze at the shiny stars.

You nodded and saluted him as you stood up. You walked until you decided to turn and glanced him one last time before returning home. You smiled and moved another step forward only to bump into some other figure slightly enlightened by the moon.


You gasped at the smiling man.

"Did I scare you?" He asked while taking your hand and sorround your body with a soft jacket.

"A little." You hold tight his hand as the both of you began to walk to return home.

"Y/n...I saw you two." He stopped walking before turning at you. "I heard your conversation." He began with a serious tone of voice.
You turned your head towards his direction and stopped walking to stand in front of him.

"I don' t know what I did to receive an angel like you by my side."

You smiled joyfully at his words, continuing to stare at his golden brightened eyes.

"I think Saeran will take some time to think about it but... thanks."
He leaned down with a smile and put you in a warm embrace.

"You really came on Earth to save us."

Short, isn' it? Sorryyy @.@
I will do some other longer things for Saeran sooo~ ☆
Uh.... I can' t wait to write down another chat so the next "breaking part" will be one of these. I hope *-*

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